Session dates
Monday February 25th to Friday March 8th.
School program
More than 50h of lectures and reviews leading international researchers and lecturers in plasma astrophysics, including
- lectures on fundamental plasma physics, turbulence and instabilities,
- lectures on experimental and numerical methods for plasma physics,
- reviews on large-scale experiments on plasma astrophysics,
- reviews on selected astrophysical topics involving plasma physics.
The final program can be found here (pdf only).
Selected topics and list of speakers
Click on the talk titles to download the presentations in pdf !
Plasmas in the Universe
- Steve Cowley (CCFE, Imperial College) -- Introduction: the future of plasma astrophysics
- Katia Ferrière (IRAP Toulouse) -- Interstellar plasma and magnetic fields
- Martin Lemoine (IAP Paris) -- Very high energy cosmic rays
- Matthew Kunz (Princeton University) -- Plasma physics in galaxy clusters
- Viggo Hansteen (University of Oslo) -- Physics of the solar chromosphere and corona: Dynamics and energetics
- Philippe Zarka (LESIA Paris) -- Planetary magnetic fields and magnetospheres
- Milan Maksimovic (LESIA Paris) -- Future explorations of solar and space plasmas
Theoretical, numerical, experimental methods
- Gérard Belmont (LPP Paris) -- Basic plasma physics: the collisionless limit and the fluid/kinetic dilemma
- Matthew Kunz (Princeton University) -- MHD in dilute plasmas (Detailed notes here)
- Francesco Califano (University of Pisa) -- Numerical methods for plasma physics
- Nicolas Plihon (ENS Lyon) -- Experimental methods for plasma physics
- Carlo Cossu (IMFT Toulouse) -- Stability of fluid flows
- Thierry Passot (Laboratoire Lagrange Nice) -- Fluid closures
Plasma instabilities in astrophysics
- Dmitri Uzdensky (UC Boulder) -- Instabilities in astrophysics
- Geoffroy Lesur (IPAG Grenoble) -- Stability of accretion disks and winds
- Pierre-Louis Sulem (Laboratoire Lagrange Nice) -- Instabilities in anisotropic plasmas
- Cary Forest (U. Wisconsin, CMSO) -- Couette experiments on accretion
- Andrea Ciardi (UPMC Paris) -- Experiments on astrophysical jets
- Henning Soltwisch (University of Bochum) -- Experiments on flares and CMEs
- Stanislas Boldyrev (University of Wisconsin, CMSO) -- Hydro/MHD turbulence Basics and Advanced
- Holger Homann (Laboratoire Lagrange Nice) -- Numerical modelling of MHD turbulence
- Alexander Schekochihin (University of Oxford) -- Introduction to kinetic turbulence (see also PPCF paper (arxiv version))
- Frank Jenko (IPP Garching) --Kinetic turbulence in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas
- Troy Carter (UCLA) -- Laboratory studies of the linear and nonlinear physics of Alfvén waves
- Fouad Sahraoui (LPP Paris) -- Cascade and dissipation of solar wind turbulence from MHD to electron scales
- Steve Tobias (U. Leeds) -- Turbulent Dynamos from stars to computers
- Jean-François Pinton (ENS Lyon) -- Liquid metal dynamos
- Cary Forest (U. Wisconsin, CMSO) -- Plasma dynamo experiments
- Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar (University of Bochum) -- Magnetic fields in galaxies
- Nuno Loureiro (IPFN, IST Lisbon) -- Introduction to fluid and kinetic reconnection
- Hantao Ji (PPPL Princeton, CMSO) -- Reconnection experiments
- Rainer Grauer (University of Bochum) -- Numerical simulations of reconnection with coupled fluid/kinetic models
Shocks, radiative processes, particle acceleration
- Ellen Zweibel (U. Wisconsin, CMSO) -- Introduction to shocks
- Renaud Belmont (University of Toulouse, IRAP) -- Radiative processes in plasmas
- Reinhard Schlickeiser (University of Bochum) -- Theory of cosmic ray acceleration and transport
- Karl Krushelnick (University of Michigan) -- High energy density experiments: relativistic particle beams and magnetic field generation in high intensity laser-plasma interactions
- Jean-Pierre Chièze (Sap/CEA Saclay) -- Radiative shocks in the laboratory
- Luis Silva (IPFN, IST Lisbon) -- Exploring the physics of relativistic collisionless shocks in astrophysics and in the laboratory with massively parallel simulations