Michel Rieutord
Université Paul Sabatier -- Toulouse III
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie
Membre (1997-2002) de l'Institut Universitaire de
Co-Lauréat de l'ERC-Synergy Grant
(sept. 2023 -- sept. 2029)
Responsable de l'équipe Dynamique des Fluides
Astrophysiques 1996-2010
Photo of Ze Team in 2009
Tél : 05 61 33 29 49
Fax : 05 61 33 28 40
Courrier électronique: Michel.Rieutord@irap.omp.eu
Adresse : Observatoire
Midi-Pyrénées, 14 avenue Edouard Belin 31400 Toulouse
- Research Themes
- List
of papers
- Projet
EMA (2010): Simulations numériques et modélisation des étoiles
- Projet
MASSIF (oct. 2020 -- oct. 2025): Massive Stars Study in Interferometry
- Projet ERC
4D-STAR (Sept. 2023 -- Sept. 2029): Lifting stellar structure and
evolution to higher dimensions in the era of space asteroseismology
Jobs in Toulouse related to the 4D-STAR project:
- PhD fellowship to work on Hydrodynamics instabilities in Be
- A 3-year science-oriented postdoctoral
position at Toulouse
University (France) to include transport processes due to internal
rotation and magnetism into numerical 2D and 3D structure models
of single magnetic rapidly rotating stars. The postdoc will extend
the 2D stellar structure code ESTER towards stars with a convective
envelope and confront simulations with observations. Past experience in
astrophysical fluid dynamics is an asset for this position. Inquiries:
Status: The position is closed.
- A 6-year software-oriented postdoctoral
position at Toulouse
University (France) to expand the currently 2D stellar structure code
ESTER towards 3D. The successful candidate will also develop modules
to produce spectra and spectral energy distributions by coupling the
ESTER code and its extension to 2D/3D dynamical non-local thermodynamic
equilibrium atmosphere models. The postdoc will have the task to
manage and document the code. Experience in numerical simulations
(fluid dynamics, stellar physics,…) and in software development is
advantageous for this position. Inquiries: Michel.Rieutord@irap.omp.eu
Status: The position is closed.
- Internship 2023-2024:
-- Ecoles
de l'Institut Universitaire de France 1999 : Espace(s); Toulouse
les 6 et 7 mai 1999
Ecole de Physique Stellaire d'Aussois 2004:
"Dynamique des fluides stellaires et simulations numériques
associées", 26 sept. - 1 oct. 2004
and lecture notes
Ecole de Dynamique des fluides Astrophysiques,
Cargèse 9-14 mai 2005
International Summer Institute for Modeling in
Astrophysics ISIMA :
Summer 2010: Transport processes in Astrophysics
Ecole Evry Schatzman 2018 :
EES2018 :
Multi-dimensional Processes in Stellar Physics
Organigramme de la mention Mention Sciences de
l'Univers et Technologies Spatiales à Toulouse
L'Astrophysique en Licence: voir la Licence PCAME à
Les cours/Lectures
Tous les cours de mécanique des fluides se
trouvent détaillés dans :
- Une introduction à la dynamique des fluides, Masson,1997
- Une introduction à la dynamique des fluides, de Boeck, 2014
- Fluid Dynamics: An Introduction, Springer, 2015
Tables of contents (click on the books)
Observations Astronomiques
Mon balcon : un observatoire au coeur de Toulouse (horizons limités...)