Module |
Intervenant |
Forme |
Introduction to relativistic hydrodynamics
E. Gourgoulhon
Obs. Paris-Meudon |
Cours, 1h30 |
Dynamics of superfluids and application to neutron stars
B. Carter Obs. Paris-Meudon |
Cours, 1h30 |
E. Spiegel Columbia University |
Cours, 1h30 |
Spectral methods for the resolution of partial differential equations
P. Grandclément Obs. de Paris-Meudon |
Cours, 1h30 |
Rotational mixing and stellar evolution
A. Maeder Obs. de Genève |
Cours, 1h30 |
Large scale
stellar convection |
J. Toomre
University of Colorado |
Cours, 1h30 |
Dynamics of
binary systems |
M. Rieutord
Obs. Midi-Pyrénées |
Cours, 1h30
Turbulence in discs |
B. Dubrulle
CNRS/CEA Gif-sur-Yvette |
Cours, 1h30
Accretion discs:
models vs reality
J.-P. Lasota
Cours, 1h30
Coalescence of binary compact stars
E. Gourgoulhon
LUTH - Observatoire de Paris-Meudon |
Séminaire, 1h |
Pulsar scintillation
L. Celnikier
LESIA - Observatoire de Paris-Meudon |
Séminaire, 1h |
The electrosphere of pulsars
J. Petri
Max-Planck Institute |
Séminaire, 1h |
Experimental approach of turbulent transport
O. Dauchot
CEA Saclay L'Orme des Merisiers |
Séminaire, 1h |
Wave transport in stellar radiative zones
S. Talon
Université de Montréal |
Séminaire, 1h |
convection |
J. Toomre
University of Colorado |
Séminaire, 1h |
MHD convection
E. Knobloch
University of California - Berkeley |
Séminaire, 1h |
Instabilities of compact rotating stars
L. Villain
CAMK - Varsovie |
Séminaire, 30mn |
Turbulence and instabilities in accretion disks: why the answer always
seems to be 42
D. Richard
NASA Ames |
Séminaire, 30mn
Numerical Applications of Spectral Methods to the Study of Stellar
S. Brun
CEA Saclay |
Séminaire, 30mn