A gamma-ray lens for nuclear astrophysics
Everybody thought that it was impossible,
except an idiot who didn’t know that - and who did it.
Marcel Pagnol, 1895-1974

Until recently, focusing of gamma-radiation was regarded as an impracticable task. Today, gamma-ray lenses have become feasible and present promising perspectives for future instrumentation. For the first time in high energy astronomy the signal/noise ratio will be dramatically improved as gamma-rays are collected on the large area of a lens from where they are focused onto a small detector. Besides an unprecedented sensitivity, MAX will feature very high angular and energy resolution.

no comprendo ?  version française
why a gamma-ray lens ? the instruments for nuclear astrophysics
what good ? the scientific potential of crystal diffraction telescopes
how to focus gamma-rays ? the principle of the gamma-ray lens
does it really work ?


the laboratory prototype
the diffraction efficiency
the first tunable gamma-ray lens
CLAIRE - first light for a gamma-ray lens
MAX a gamma-ray lens for nuclear astrophysics
want to know more ? the publications

update : march 2004
questions and comments: Peter von Ballmoos