First Light for a Gamma-Ray Lens

The CLAIRE collaboration has performed the first astronomical observation of a gamma-ray lens. On June 14 2001, CLAIRE has  flown on a stratospheric balloon of the French Space Agency CNES ...

why a balloon borne gamma-ray lens ? 
why focus gamma-rays ?
why the Crab ?
how does it work ?
The principle of the gamma-ray lens
The instrument ... on paper
who is involved ?
The collaboration
when, where and how did CLAIRE observe ?
the technological CLAIRE flight of june 15 2000
CLAIRE first light - flight of june 14 2001
the CLAIRE TGD campaigne (Test à Grande Distance) of 2003
what came out ?
CLAIRE debriefing of July 4, 2003
CLAIRE publications
what now ?
MAX - a gamma-ray lens for nuclear astrophysics
no comprendo ?
version française

 update : july 2003
 questions and comments :Peter von Ballmoos