The Scientific Potential of Crystal Diffraction Telescopes

The characteristics of crystal diffraction telescopes (the fact that one observes in a narrow energy band of typically a few keV with a field-of-view of typically 15-30 arc seconds and with virtually no background) can be exploited for a variety of observational aims: precise source localization, two-dimensional intensity mapping of sources with arc minute extent, the observation of narrow spectral lines, measurement of pulsar light curves in a narrow energy band...
While the first focused cosmic gamma-rays may originate from well studied compact continuum sources like the Crab nebual and pulsar [see CLAIRE], the ultimate potential of a crystal diffraction telescope is in gamma-ray lines. The concept of a broad bandpass crystal telescope is ideally matched to the gamma-ray lines in the domain of nuclear transitions - the sites of explosive nucleosynthesis are thus a natural target : The primary scientific objective of MAX is the study of type Ia
supernovae by measuring intensities, shifts and shapes of their nuclear gamma-ray lines. When finally understood and calibrated, these profoundly radioactive events will be determining in measuring the size, shape, and age of the Universe.
Observing the radioactivities from individual classical novae and core collapse supernovae will significantly improve our understanding of explosive nucleosynthesis. Sensitive gamma-ray measurements also hold out the prospect of observing SNe in optically obscured regions and resolving problems in understanding SN rates. Gamma-ray line spectroscopy is expected to clarify the nature of galactic microquasars (e+e- annihilation radiation from the jets), neutrons stars and pulsars, X-ray Binaries, AGN, solar flares and, last but not least, gamma-ray afterglow from gamma-burst counterparts. Accomplishing all these objectives will require significant improvement in sensitivity over current and planned missions.

While the evidence for point like sources of narrow gamma-ray line emission has been mostly implicit at this point - besides the supernovae 1987A  and 1991T  - various objects like galactic novae and extragalactic supernovae are predicted to emit detectable gamma-ray lines.  These sources should have small angular diameters but very low fluxes - mostly because such objects are relatively rare and therefore are more likely to occur at large distances. The instrumental requirements for exploring this kind of sources match with the anticipated performance of a crystal diffraction telescope:
 Principal scientific objectives for a tunable gamma-ray lens
class of object  process line energy [ keV ] potential sources
broad class annihilators e+e-  511 1E1740.7-2942 
Cyg X-1 ...
classical novae  7Be(EC,g)7Li 
22Na (ß+)22mNe 
GC novae 
(N Cyg 1992, 
N Aqi 1982 ...) 
Supernovae 57Co(EC,g)57Fe
SN1987A, SN1991T 
NS, Pulsars e+e- 
1H+n -> 2H+g
Crab ... 
(1.8 MeV lens  ?)
X-ray Binaries e+e- 511  Nova Musca , Persei
AGN  e+e- 
< 511 


NGC4151, 3C273 ... 
redshifts ! 
for z~3.5 
=> Eg~0.5 MeV 
=> Eg~1.2 MeV 
solar flares e+e- 
g-ray afterglow e+e-  < 511  g-burst counterpart

"Broad class annihilators"

The recent discovery of broad annihilation features in several compact sources (Bouchet et al., 1991; Goldwurm et al, 1992; Briggs, 1991) has shown that there is one or several types of objects that obviously can produce intense eruptions of positrons. The question is now whether these “broad class annihilators” also generate the positrons that produce the narrow 511 keV line.
The galactic center source 1E1740-29 has been observed by the SIGMA telescope to emit a strong spectral features in the energy interval 300-700 keV that emanated and vanished within days. Radio observations of this object reveal the presence of an AGN like structure with double sided radio jets emanating from a compact and variable core. If the “broad class annihilator” indeed is associated with the radio source, the origin of its high energy emission becomes a key question for gamma-ray astronomy.
Featuring a sensitivity of ~10-6 at 511 keV and an angular resolution of 15”, a spaceborne crystal diffraction telescope can test hypotheses on the intensity and site of the narrow 511 keV line. If the radio lobes really track twin jets of positrons out to their annihilation sites in the superposed molecular cloud, a space borne telescope could localize the annihilation regions within less than a day: the predicted flux (Ramaty et al., 1992) of 10-4 (‘conservative number’) from the outer lobes of the jets would result in 5 s detections in a few hours.

The detection of nuclear gamma-radiation from classical novae can offer unique insights into the conditions within the burning regions and the dynamic processes initiated by the runaway explosion (Leising and Clayton, 1987). The high temperatures during the thermonuclear processes induce proton captures on most nuclei in the burning region, transforming stable seed nuclei into unstable proton rich nuclei. The extreme temperature gradient across the envelope at the peak of the burning produces rapid convective energy transport which can mix the envelope material. Large numbers of unstable nuclei with lifetimes longer than the convective time scale could appear at the surface where they are in principle detectable from their nuclear decay or positron annihilation gamma rays (table 1). Unstable nuclei with even longer lifetimes (greater than a few days) could survive the ejection and thinning of the envelope. Then their decay could be observed in gamma rays even if their yields are relatively small.
Since the frequency of Nova explosions in our galaxy is about 40 per year, this kind of object is a very attractive candidate for point source gamma ray line observations. A few hours after the explosion the emitted lines will be blue shifted (*E = 0.7%) as the observer would see only the emission from the approaching ejecta (v = 2000 km/sec) due to the optically thick medium (
Harris et al., 1991). This is relevant for the profile of the 511 keV line that is produced mainly during the first day of the explosion. The evolution in time over the first two hours is dominated by the positron annihilation produced by the 13N decay  while  the 18F decay dominates later.
line energy width mechanism time scale mass produced
478 keV ~ 6 keV 7Be (EC)7Li (10.4 %)   53.3 d 10-8 Mo
511-516 keV ~ 3 keV   ß+ decays of 13N (862s), 14O (102s), 15O(176s),18F(158m)  ~ 1 day  N/A
1275 keV  16 keV  22Na (ß+)22mNe (90.4 %)  3.75  y  1.6 10-7 Mo

 Table 1 : observable gamma-ray lines from novae

After the first few days from the explosion the emitting material will become optically thin  to the gamma rays  so blue- and red shifted material will contribute to the observed flux, in which case a broadening (*E = 1.3 %), but not a net shift of the line is expected.
It has been pointed out that novae are possibly significant contributors to the Galactic 7Li abundance - this has important cosmological consequences. The standard model requires that the primordial 7Li abundance must be enhanced by subsequent nuclear nucleosynthesis, while the non-standard models require primordial 7Li to be destroyed by some mechanism in Population II dwarfs. The problem could be clarified if a stellar source of 7Be was identifiable.

Deeper insight in the explosive nucleosynthesis using the usual key isotopic decay chains identified for supernovae might be used to constrain the models (at this time, detonation or deflagration) and to understand the dynamics of the explosion through the shape and red (blue) shifts of the gamma-ray lines. The expected fluxes are highly dependent on the models of the different types of SN explosions (especially the convection processes which could remove synthesized materials from the high temperature burning regions). The study of the explosive nucleosynthesis represents a crucial input to better understand the chemical history of the Galaxy.
The nuclear gamma-ray lines from a supernovae that could be observed by a crystal lens are the 847 keV and 1238 keV line from the decay chain 56Ni -> 56Co -> 56Fe, the 1156 keV line from 44Ti, and the 1173 keV line from 60Fe. The photons produced by the nuclei in the shell have noticeable Doppler-shifts due to the motion of the expanding supernova ejecta (a few 10000 km/s). A large broadening of the lines - up to 40 keV at 847 keV is expected for SN type I where the shell gets transparent relatively early. At this energy the bandwidth of a crystal diffraction telescope is about 16 keV FWHM which corresponds to > 35% of the flux in the SN line. Tuning parts of the lens to different energy bands or scanning the line profile in energy will provide a complete coverage of these potentially broad features.
For supernovae of type II (core collapse SN - the gamma-ray flux is initially obstructed by the massive shell), the broadening is much less accentuated than for SNI’s as the observations of SN1987A have shown. A volume of a few Mpc should be accessible to an instrument with a sensitivity of 10-7-10-6 ph cm-2.s-1 (Tobs 106 seconds) - this will make their detection possible for events occurring within our local cluster.
It has been suggested that the observability of SNIa can be expressed independently of the distance of the host galaxy since the optical peak magnitude of the SN should be directly correlated to the gamma-ray line flux (Arnett, 1982). Indeed, the decay of the ejected gamma-ray isotopes actually is the energy source of the optical light curve.
Here, SN1991T has been used to establish a relation between gamma-ray flux f847 and optical peak magnitude mv (the COMPTEL detection of SN1991T 6 givesf847 = (5.3±2.0).10-5 ph cm-2.s-1 for an optical peak magnitude of mv = 11.6)

                                            log(f847/10-4 ph cm-2.s-1)   =    0.4.(10.9-mv)                    (1)

According to eq. 1, a detectable flux of ~ 10-6 ph cm-2.s-1 is expected from SNIa’s with optical peak magnitudes mv < 16. In recent years (2/1987-6/1996), events of this magnitude and brighter were observed at a rate of about three per year (Tsvetkov et al., 1996)
Mapping of continuum sources with arc minute extent 

For sources that have arc minute extent, the narrow field- of view of the lens can be exploited to map the emission intensity. Examples are plerion-type SNRs such as the Crab Nebula (which will make an excellent scientific objective for a first balloon flight). As the inner regions of the Nebula are governed by the pulsar, the emission intensity distribution within the nebula is determined by the interaction between pulsar and nebula. The nebula size can be understood in the context of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) bulk-motion models (Rees and Gunn, 1974). In these models, the energy released by the spin-down of the pulsar is emitted via three components: a relativistic stellar wind of charged particles, a low-frequency, large-amplitude electromagnetic wave, and a toroidal magnetic field originating from the wind-up of the dipole field of the pulsar. The pulsar is at the center of a cavity that is empty except for a relativistic wind and magnetic field emanating from the pulsar. This supersonic wind is expected to terminate at a shock-boundary Rs, where the ram pressure is balanced by the magnetic and particle density of the nebula. Beyond the shock, the particle motions become randomized, leading to intense synchrotron emission. The cavity seen directly around the pulsar in the optical and soft X-ray band places the shock boundary Rs at 10 arc seconds. It has therefore been proposed (Aschenbach and Brinkmann, 1975) that the nebula size should not shrink beyond 10 arc seconds with increasing energy.
 Observation of pulsar light curves 

Multi-band observations show pulsar light profiles to vary drastically with wavelength. The light curve of the Crab pulsar has been extensively studied by Compton GRO and is seen to vary even within the gamma-ray domain. The low background rate of our telescope can allow the determination of the pulsar light curve profile in a narrow energy band of a few keV. Independent of the pulsar model, the typical pulsar emission energy varies with the position within the magnetosphere, the observation angle with respect to the pulsar magnetic field and the strength of this field. It is thus possible that the pulsar light curve in a narrow energy range is more structured than that obtained in the wide energy band that is typically used for light-curve analysis. If this is the case, the light curves obtained with the crystal lens telescope would be indispensable for the understanding of the geometry of the emission zones within the nebula and the different emission mechanisms. For strong pulsars such as the Crab pulsar (pulsed flux 7.6·10-5 (E/100keV)-2.04 ph/cm2s1keV) or PSR 1509-58, the statistics from one balloon flight will not be sufficient for the determination of a precise light curve, but with a space borne telescope this becomes feasible.


Bouchet L. et al., ApJ 383, L45, 1991
Goldwurm A. et al,, ApJ 389, L89 1992
Briggs M., Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. California, San Diego, 1991
Ramaty, R., Leventhal, M., Chan, K.W., & Lingenfelter R., ApJ , 392, L63, 1992
Leising, M. D., Clayton, D. D., ApJ, 323, 159, 1987
Harris, M. J., Leising, M. D., Share, G. H., ApJ, 375, 216, 1991
Arnett W.D., Supernovae : A Survey of current research, p.221, ed M.J Rees and R.J Stoneham (Boston:Reidel), 1982
Tsvetkov D.Yu., Pavlyuk N.N., Bartunov O.S., Sternberg Astronomical Institute Supernova Catalogue,
      , 1996
Rees, M.J., and Gunn, J.E. , M.N.R.A.S.,167, 1, 1974
Aschenbach, B., and Brinkmann, W., A&A, 41,147, 1975