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So Wonderful Database (SWD)


Contains all solar wind data coming from observation or modelisation.
Fetch files from some providers (observatories, models), download them locally in DATA_OBS and DATA_MODEL tree, and add some metadata to a SQLite database in DATA_DB folder.
Files are not stored in the database because they are too large (up to some Mb).
There are 2 ways to access to these files:


See Readme page.

Data type

Basic data types:

Observational data types:

Fetching the data

Which files are fetched?
Look at remote servers for new files (not downloaded yet) or files which are newer than the corresponding file in the database.
Fetch levels and data formats.
Files are integrated in the database following different fetch levels and data formats.

Here the list of Map2D fetch type and data format:

Fetch level and data format for Map2D
Table name Fetch level 0 Data format Fetch level 1 Data format Fetch level 2 Data format
OBS_MAPS_NSO mrmqs190809t0653c2220_000.fits.gz Gzip mrmqs190809t0653c2220_000.fits FITS_NSO_V0 nso_gong_CR2220.fits FITS_NSO_V0
OBS_MAPS_NSOZ mrzqs200704t1804c2232_079.fits.gz Gzip mrzqs200704t1804c2232_079.fits FITS_NSO_V0 nso_gongz_20200704180400.fits FITS_NSO_V0
OBS_MAPS_ADAPT40 adapt40311_03k012_202007190600_f03002700n0.fts.gz Gzip adapt40311_03k012_202007190600_f03002700n0.fts FITS_ADAPT_V0 adapt41_gong_20200719060000.fits FITS_ADAPT_V0
OBS_MAPS_ADAPT41 adapt41311_03k012_202007190600_f03002700n0.fts.gz Gzip adapt41311_03k012_202007190600_f03002700n0.fts FITS_ADAPT_V0 adapt41_gong_20200719060000.fits FITS_ADAPT_V0
OBS_MAPS_WSO_ORIGIN WSO.2206.txt ASCII_WSO_V0 V1_WSO.2206.txt ASCII_WSO_V1 wso_origin_CR2206.txt ASCII_WSO_V1
OBS_MAPS_WSO_FILLED WSO.2206.F.txt ASCII_WSO_V0 V1_WSO.2206.F.txt ASCII_WSO_V1 wso_filled_CR2206.txt ASCII_WSO_V1
OBS_MAPS_WSO_DATE Photo.latest.txt ASCII_WSO_V0 Photo_latest_20191127214327.txt ASCII_WSO_V0 wso_latest_20191127214327.tx ASCII_WSO_V1
OBS_MAPS_SDO_AIA_XXX CR2186.fits FITS_SDOAIA_V0 sdo_aia171_CR2186.fits FITS_SDOAIA_V0 Null Null
OBS_MAPS_SOHO_EIT_XXX CR2053_171A_c.fits FITS_SOHOEIT_V0 soho_eit171-1_CR2053.fits FITS_SOHOEIT_V0 Null Null
OBS_MAPS_SOHO_EIT_XXX 171_cr2058.fits FITS_SOHOEIT_V0 soho_eit171-2_CR2058.fits FITS_SOHOEIT_V0 Null Null
OBS_MAPS_EUV2CARMAP_SDOSTA_XXX 2020Jul23T1200CRMAP_EUV.fits FITS_EUV2CARMAPSDOSTA_V0 euv2carmap_sdosta171_20200723120000.fits FITS_EUV2CARMAPSDOSTA_V0 Null Null
OBS_MAPS_EUV2CARMAP_SDO360_XXX CRMAP_SDO360_AIA171_20200723T1800.fits FITS_EUV2CARMAPSDO360_V0 euv2carmap_sdo360171_20200723180000.fits FITS_EUV2CARMAPSDO360_V0 Null Null
OBS_MAPS_WL2CARMAP_SOHOLASCO_C2 WL_CRMAP_20200720T120000_LC2_2p5Rs_merged.fits FITS_WL2CARMAPSOHOLASCOC2_V0 wl2carmap_soholascoc2_20200720120000.fits FITS_WL2CARMAPSOHOLASCOC2_V0 Null Null

Here the list of Timeserie fetch type and data format:

Fetch level and data format for Timeserie
Table name Fetch level 0 Data format Fetch level 1 Data format Fetch level 2 Data format
OBS_INSITU_MAG_ACELV4 ACE_MAG16_2018-311_V3-3.zip Zip ACE_MAG16_2018-311_V3-3 ASCII_ACEMAGLV4_V0 ace_maglv4_20181107000000.ascii ASCII_ACEMAGLV4_V1
OBS_INSITU_VELOCITY_ACELV4 20180501_ace_swepam_1m.txt ASCII_ACEVELOCITYLV4_V0 ace_velocitylv4_20180501000000.txt ASCII_ACEVELOCITYLV4_V0 Null Null
OBS_INSITU_MAG_DISCOVER oe_m1m_dscovr_s20181031000000_e20181031235959_p20181101031426_pub.nc.gz Gzip oe_m1m_dscovr_s20181031000000_e20181031235959_p20181101031426_pub.nc NETCDF_DISCOVERMAG_V0 discover_mag_20181031000000.nc NETCDF_DISCOVERMAG_V1
OBS_INSITU_VELOCITY_DISCOVER oe_f1m_dscovr_s20180501000000_e20180501235959_p20180502034038_pub.nc.gz Gzip oe_f1m_dscovr_s20180501000000_e20180501235959_p20180502034038_pub.nc NETCDF_DISCOVERVELOCITY_V0 discover_velocity_20180501000000.nc NETCDF_DISCOVERVELOCITY_V1
OBS_INSITU_MAG_STEREOA STA_LB_IMPACT_20181031_V02.cdf CDF_STEREOIMPACT_V0 stereoa_mag_20181031000000.cdf CDF_STEREOIMPACT_V1 Null Null
OBS_INSITU_VELOCITY_STEREOA STA_LB_PLASTIC_20181031_V12.cdf CDF_STEREOPLASTIC_V0 stereoa_velocity_20181031000000.cdf CDF_STEREOPLASTIC_V1 Null Null

Here the list of Event fetch type and data format:

Fetch level and data format for Timeserie
Table name Fetch level 0 Data format Fetch level 1 Data format Fetch level 2 Data format
OBS_CORONA_SOLARMONITOR_NOAAEVENT noaa_events_raw_20200726.txt ASCII_SOLARMONITORNOAAEVENT_V0 solarmonitor_noaaevent_20200726000000.txt ASCII_SOLARMONITORNOAAEVENT_V0Null Null
OBS_CORONA_DONKI_CME 2020-07-25T01:25:00-CME-001 JSON_DONKICME_V0 donki_event_20200726131200.txt JSON_DONKICME_V0 Null Null

Here the list of Coronal Hole fetch type and data format:

Fetch level and data format for Coronal Hole
Table name Fetch level 0 Data format Fetch level 1 Data format Fetch level 2 Data format
OBS_CORONA_SOLARMONITOR_CHIMERA arm_ch_location_20200725.txt ASCII_SOLARMONITORCHIMERA_V0 solarmonitor_chimera_hgc_20200725185440.txt ASCII_SOLARMONITORCHIMERA_V0 solarmonitor_chimera_hpc_20200725185440.txt ASCII_SOLARMONITORCHIMERA_V1


Data at solar surface.

2D Map

2D maps come from different observatories, models. Here is the list.
database_map2D script is in charge of all 2D maps of Map section.
Each provider can feed one or more SWD's table.
For rebuiling from scratch the map2D database, see build_database_map2D script.
Files are locally download using some fetch information contained in interface_fetch_map2D.
Meta data is stored in the SWD following these attributes.
A shell script can launch all fetch scripts for 2D map: dir.cron/update_database_map2D.
Here the list of fetch scripts:
An interface routine interface_read_map2D.read read a 2D maps for different type.
  • read_wso_wso_map2D : for WSO table.
  • read_adapt_gong_map2D : for ADAPT40 and ADAPT41 tables.
  • read_nso_gong_map2D : for NSO table.
  • read_sdo_aia_map2D : for SDO_AIA_171 and SDO_AIA_193 tables.
  • read_sdo_hmi_map2D : for SDO_HMI table.
  • read_soho_eit_map2D : for SOHO_EIT_171 and SOHO_EIT_193 tables.
  • read_euv2carmap_sdosta_map2D: for EUV2CARMAP_SDOSTA_171, EUV2CARMAP_SDOSTA_193, EUV2CARMAP_SDOSTA_304 and EUV2CARMAP_SDOSTA_WL tables.
Test: Unit test:


Data in the corona.

Coronal Hole (Chole)

Coronal hole come from different observatories. Here is the list.
database_chole script is in charge of all Coronal hole.
Each provider can feed one or more SWD's table.
For rebuiling from scratch the chole database, see build_database_chole script.
Files are locally download using some fetch information contained in interface_fetch_chole.
Meta data is stored in the SWD following these attributes.
A shell script can launch all fetch scripts for coronal hole: dir.cron/update_database_chole.
Here the list of fetch scripts:
An interface routine interface_read_chole.read read a coronal hole for different type.
  • read_chole_solarmonitor_chimera : for SOLARMONITOR_CHIMERA table.


Event come from different observatories. Here is the list.
database_event script is in charge of all Event.
Each provider can feed one or more SWD's table.
For rebuiling from scratch the event database, see build_database_event script.
Files are locally download using some fetch information contained in interface_fetch_event.
Meta data is stored in the SWD following these attributes.
A shell script can launch all fetch scripts for event: dir.cron/update_database_event.
Here the list of fetch scripts:
  • fetch_donki_cme.py Fetch the file containing CME event.
  • fetch_donki_file.py Fetch the content of each Donki file.
  • fetch_solarmonitor_file.py Fetch the file containing Flare and Xflare events.
  • fetch_solarmonitor_flare.py Fetch the content of each Solarmonitor file.
  • fetch_solarmonitor_xflare.py Fetch the content of each Solarmonitor file.
Different routines can read different type of event.


Empty section.


Empty section.


Data in the heliosphere.


Empty section.


Insitu data.


Timeserie come from different observatories. Here is the list.
database_timeserie script is in charge of all Timeserie.
Each provider can feed one or more SWD's table.
For rebuiling from scratch the timeserie database, see build_database_timeserie script.
Files are locally download using some fetch information contained in interface_fetch_timeserie.
Meta data is stored in the SWD following these attributes.
A shell script can launch all fetch scripts for coronal hole: dir.cron/update_database_timeserie.
Here the list of fetch scripts:
An interface routine interface_read_timeserie.read read a coronal hole for different type.

Chronological table (Crontab)

Time reference is UTC.