Publications de Hervé Carfantan 2005-2024


H. Carfantan,
Modèles estimateurs et algorithmes pour quelques problèmes inverses de traitement du signal et d'images en sciences de l'Univers
Mémoire d'habilitation à diriger les recherches,
soutenue le
18 novembre 2014 à l'Université Toulouse 3 - Paul Sabatier,
devant le jury composé de : Jean-Yves Tourneret (Président), Laure Blanc-Féraud , Jean-François Giovannelli et Olivier Michel (Rapporteurs), Alain Abergel et Sylvie Roques (Examinateurs), Yannick Deville (Parrain)

Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture et chapitres d'ouvrages
Publications in referred journals and book chapters

A. Rouxel, T.-T. Dinh, A. Monmayrant, S. Lacroix et H. Carfantan
Apports et défis de l’acquisition codée pour l’imagerie hyperspectrale
Photoniques, No 120, pp. 51-55, 2023.
DOI: 10.1051/photon/202312051
HAL Id : hal-04166556

A.-L. Daniau, M.-F. Loutre, D. Swingedouw, T. Laepple, F. Bassinot, B. Malaizé, M. Kageyama, K. Charlier et H. Carfantan,
Precession and obliquity forcing of the South African monsoon revealed by sub-tropical fires,
Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 310, 2023.
DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108128

M. C. Amrouche ; H. Carfantan et J. Idier
Efficient Sampling of Bernoulli-Gaussian-Mixtures for Sparse Signal Restoration
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 70, pp.5578-5591, 2022.
DOI : 10.1109/TSP.2022.3223775
HAL Id : hal-03573517

M. C. Amrouche ; H. Carfantan et J. Idier
Statistical destriping of Pushbroom-Type Images based on an affine detector response
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 60, pp. 1-14, 2022.
DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2022.3195092
 : hal-03700286v1

E. Hemsley, I. Ardi, T. Rouvier, S. Lacroix, H. Carfantan, et A. Monmayrant
Fast reconstruction of hyperspectral images from coded acquisitions using a separability assumption
Optics Express, 30(5), feb, 2022.
DOI: 10.1364/OE.448893
HAL Id : hal-03610209v2

D. Testa, H. Carfantan et L. Perrone
The SparSpec algorithm and the application to the detection of spatial periodicities in tokamaks: error weighting the penalization criterion to improve the performance of the algorithm
Plasma Research Express, apr. 2021.
DOI: 10.1088/2516-1067/abf946

D. Testa, H. Carfantan et L. Perrone
The SparSpec algorithm and the application to the detection of spatial periodicities in tokamaks: using memory with relaxation
Plasma Research Express, apr. 2021.
DOI: 10.1088/2516-1067/abf947

E. Hemsley, I. Ardi, S. Lacroix, H. Carfantan et A. Monmayrant,
Optimized coded aperture for frugal hyperspectral image recovery using a dual-disperser system,
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 37, 1916-1926, nov. 2020.
DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.403594
 : hal-02993037v1

E. Hemsley, S. Lacroix, A. Monmayrant et H. Carfantan.
Calibration of Programmable Spectral Imager with Dual Disperser Architecture,
Optics Communications, vol. 468, aug 2020.
 : hal-02523018v1

D. Testa, H. Carfantan, M. Albergante, P. Blanchard, S. Bourguignon, et al.
Sparse representation of signals: from astrophysics to real-time data analysis for fusion plasmas and system optimization analysis for ITER and TCV,
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 58(12), nov. 2016.
DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/58/12/123001

S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin, H. Carfantan et M. Mongeau,
Exact Sparse Approximation Problems via Mixed-Integer Programming: Formulations and Computationnal Performances,
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 64(6), mar. 2016.
DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2015.2496367
 : hal-01254856v1

N. Bouché, H. Carfantan, I. Schroetter, L. Michel-Dansac et T. Contini,
GalPaK3D: a bayesian parametric tool for extracting morpho-kinematics from 3D data,
The Astronomical Journal, 150(3), sep. 2015.
DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/150/3/92
 : hal-03202946v1

T. Böhm, M. Holschneider, F. Lignières, P. Petit, M. Rainer, F. Paletou, G. Wade, E. Alecian, H. Carfantan, A. Blazère et G.M. Mirouh,
Discovery of starspots on Vega. First spectroscopic detection of surface structures on a normal A-type star,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, (577), may 2015.
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201425425
HAL Id : hal-02105955v1

S. Bourguignon et H. Carfantan,
Line spectra estimation for irregularly sampled signals in astrophysics,
Regularization and Bayesian Methods for Inverse Problems in Signal and Image Processing, J.-F. Giovannelli et J. Idier Ed., ISTE-Wiley, feb. 2015.

E. Villeneuve et H. Carfantan,
Non linear deconvolution of hyperspectral data with MCMC for studying the kinematics of galaxies,
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 23(10):4322-4335, oct. 2014.
DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2014.2343461

D. Testa, H. Carfantan, A. Goodyear and JET-EFDA contributors,
Implementation of a Novel Real-Time Controller for the Detection and Tracking of Magneto-Hydrodynamic Instabilities on the JET Tokamak,
Plasma and Fusion Research, 9 (1405003), jan. 2014.
DOI: 10.1585/pfr.9.1405003

S. Bourguignon et H. Carfantan,
Estimation de spectres de raies pour des signaux irrégulièrement échantillonnés en Astrophysique,
Méthodes d'inversion appliquées au traitement du signal et de l'image, J.-F. Giovannelli et J. Idier Ed., Traité IC2, Hermès, nov. 2013.

M. Bazot, T. L. Campante, W. J. Chaplin, H. Carfantan, T.R. Bedding, X. Dumusque, A.-M. Broomhall, P. Petit, S. Theado, V. Van Grootel, T. Arentoft, M. Castro, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard et al.,
Estimating the p-mode frequencies of the solar twin 18 Scorpii,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, (544), aug. 2012.
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201117963

D. Testa, H. Carfantan, A. Fasoli, A. Goodyear, Q. King, P. Blanchard, A. Klein, P. Lavanchy,
T. Panis and
JET-EFDA contributors,
The JET Alfvén Eigenmode Local Manager for the real-time detection and tracking of a frequency-degenerate spectrum of MHD instabilities,
Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(4-5):381-392, june 2011.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2011.03.053

D. Testa, H. Carfantan, M. Toussaint, R. Chavan, Y. Fournier, J. Guterl, J.B. Lister, T. Maeder, J.-M. Moret, A. Perez, F. Sanchez, B. Schaller, C. Slater, M. Stoeck, and G. Tonetti,
Assessment of the ITER high-frequency magnetic diagnostic set,
Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(6-8):1149-1152, oct. 2011.
DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2011.03.118

M. Bazot, M.J. Ireland, D. Huber, T.R. Bedding, A.-M. Broomhall, T.L. Campante, H. Carfantan, W.J. Chaplin, Y. Elsworth, J. Meléndez, P. Petit, S. Théado, V. van Grootel, T. Arentoft, M. Asplund, M. Castro, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, J.D. Do Nascimento, B. Dintrans, X. Dumusque, H. Kjeldsen, H.A. McAlister, T.S. Metcalfe, M.J.P.F.G. Monteiro, N.C. Santos, S. Sousa, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann, T.A. Ten Brummelaar, N. Turner, and S. Vauclair,
The radius and mass of the close solar twin 18 Scorpii derived from asteroseismology and interferometry,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 526:L4, feb. 2011.
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201015679

D. Testa, H. Carfantan, A. Goodyear, P. Blanchard, A. Klein, T. Panis, and JET-EFDA contributors,
The JET Alfvén eigenmode local manager for the real-time detection and tracking of MHD instabilities.
Europhysics Letters, 92:50001, dec. 2010.
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/92/50001

T. Panis, D. Testa, A. Fasoli, A. Klein, H. Carfantan, P. Blanchard, and JET-EFDA Contributors. Optimization of the active MHD spectroscopy system on JET for the excitation of individual intermediate and high-n Alfvén eigenmodes.
Nuclear Fusion, 50(8):084019, aug. 2010.

D. Testa, N. Mellet, T. Panis, P. Blanchard, H. Carfantan, A. Fasoli, and JET-EFDA contributors, The dependence of the damping rate of medium-n toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes on the edge plasma elongation in JET,
Nuclear Fusion, 50(8):084010, aug. 2010.
DOI: 10.1088/0029-5515/50/8/084019

D. Testa, H. Carfantan, R. Chavan, J. B. Lister, J.-M. Moret and M. Toussain,
Functional Performance Analysis And Optimization For The High-Frequency Magnetic Diagnostic System In ITER-II: Detailed Overview Of The Analysis Method And Of The Test Calculations, Fusion Science And Technology (technical paper), 57:238-273, apr. 2010.
DOI: 10.13182/FST10-A9469

D. Testa, H. Carfantan, R. Chavan, J. B. Lister, J.-M. Moret and M. Toussain,
Functional Performance Analysis And Optimization For The High-Frequency Magnetic Diagnostic System In Iter-I: Overview Of The Results, Fusion Science And Technology (technical paper), 57:208-237, apr. 2010.
DOI: 10.13182/FST10-A9468

H. Carfantan and J. Idier,
Statistical linear destriping of satellite-based pushbroom-type images,
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 48(4):1860-1871, apr. 2010.

D. Testa, M. Toussaint, R. Chavan, J. Guterl, J.-M. Lister, J.B. Moret, A. Perez, F. Sanchez, B. Schaller, G. Tonetti, A. Encheva, G. Vayakis, C. Walker, Y. Fournier, T. Maeder, A. Le-Luyer, P. Moreau, G. Chitarin, E. Alessi, R.S. Delogu, A. Gallo, N. Marconato, S. Peruzzo, M. Preindl, H. Carfantan, E. Hodgson, J. Romero, R. Vila, B. Brichard, and L. Vermeeren,
The magnetic diagnostic set for ITER,
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 38(3):284-294, mar. 2010.

A. Khazaal, H. Carfantan and E. Anterrieu,
On the reduction of the systematic error in imaging radiometry by aperture synthesis : a new approach for the SMOS space mission,
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 6(1), 47:51, Nov. 2008.

A. Klein, H. Carfantan, Duccio S Testa, Ambrogio Fasoli, Joe Snipes and JET-EFDA contributors,
A sparsity-based method for the analysis of magnetic fluctuations in unevenly-spaced Mirnov coils,
Plasma Physics and Controllled Fusion (50) 125005, October 2008.
DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/50/12/125005

H. Carfantan and A. Mohammad-Djafari.
Bayesian approach for inverse problems, chapter~13: Diffraction Tomography,
ISTE and John Wiley, 2008.
ISBN: 9781848210325

S. Bourguignon, and H. Carfantan,
New methods for fitting multiple sinusoids from irregularly sampled data.
Statistical Methodology, Elsevier, 318:327, (5), july 2008.

S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan, and J. Idier,
A sparsity-based method for the estimation of spectral lines from irregularly sampled data,
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, Issue: Convex Optimization Methods for Signal Processing, 1(4), decembre 2007.
DOI: 10.1109/JSTSP.2007.910275

S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan, and T. Boehm,
SparSpec: a new method for fitting multiple sinusoids with irregularly sampled data,
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 462:379--387, janvier 2007.
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20065452

Actes de conférences à comité de lecture
Publications in conference proceedings

T.-T. Dinh , H. Carfantan, A. Monmayrant, S. Lacroix,
Statistical tests for hyperspectral coded data unsupervised classification,
IEEE WHISPERS, Helsinki, Filand Dec 2024.
HAL Id : hal-04785574

L. Paillet, A. Rouxel, H. Carfantan, A Monmayrant, S. Lacroix,
Differentiable chief-ray tracing simulator for coded-aperture spectral imaging
Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging, Optica Publishing Group, Toulouse, France, Jul 2024. DOI:10.1364/COSI.2024.CTh4B.2
HAL Id : hal-04692877

T.-T. Dinh, H. Carfantan, A. Monmayrant, S. Lacroix
Tests statistiques pour l'analyse d'acquisitions hyperspectrales codées
XXIXème colloque Gretsi, Grenoble, France, août 2023.HAL
 : hal-04167075

M. Biquard, A. Rouxel, S. Lacroix et H. Carfantan
CSSNET: A Learning Algorithm for the Segmentation of Compressed Hyperspectral Images
IEEE WHISPERS, Rome, Italy, Sept. 2022.
DOI: 10.1109/WHISPERS56178.2022.9955065

M. Biquard, A. Rouxel, S. Lacroix, H. Carfantan, A. Monmayrant et H. Camon
Algorithme d'apprentissage pour la segmentation d'images hyperspectrales compressées
ORASIS 2021, Saint Ferréol, France, Sept.
HAL Id : hal-03339620

Y. Constans, S. Fabre, H. Carfantan, M. Seymour, V. Crombez, X. Briottet et Y. Deville,
Fusion of panchromatic and hyperspectral images in the reflective domain by a combinatorial approach and application to urban landscape,
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’2021), july
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP39728.2021.9414293
HAL Id : hal-03417103v1

E. Hemsley, I. Ardi, S. Lacroix, H. Carfantan, A. Monmayrant,
Fast, Frugal Image Reconstruction with a Dual Disperser Hyperspectral Imager,
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and European Quantum Electronics Conference, june 2021.
DOI: 10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9542719
HAL Id : hal-03407756v1

M. C. Amrouche, H. Carfantan, J. Idier,
A partially collapsed Gibbs sampler for unsupervised nonnegative sparse signal restoration,
International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’2021), june
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP39728.2021.9414293
HAL Id :

R. Ben Mhenni, S. Bourguignon, M. Mongeau, J. Ninin, H. Carfantan,
Sparse banch and bound exact optimization of L0-norm penalized least squares,
International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'2020),
mai 2020.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9053870

HAL Id : hal-03227140v1

M. Boudineau, H. Carfantan, M. Bazot,
Détection d'exoplanètes par la méthode des vitesses radiales via l'échantillonnage MCMC d'un modèle Bernoulli-Gaussien étendu,
XXVIIème colloque Gretsi, Lille, France, août 2019.
 : hal-02337776

M.C. Amrouche, H. Carfantan, J. Idier, A. Michel, V. Martin,
Destriping d’images satellitaires push-broom pour un modèle affine de réponse des détecteurs,
XXVIIème colloque Gretsi, Lille, France, août 2019.
 : hal-02337756

R. Ben Mhenni, S. Bourguignon, M. Mongeau, J. Ninin, H. Carfantan,
Algorithme branch-and-bound pour l’optimisation exacte en norme L0,
XXVIIème colloque Gretsi, Lille, France, août 2019.
 : hal-02280754

I. Ardi, H. Carfantan, S. Lacroix, A. Monmayrant
Fast hyperspectral cube reconstruction for a double disperser imager,
26th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Rome, Italy, Sept. 2018.

HAL Id : hal-01852173

M. Boudineau, H. Carfantan, S. Bourguignon,
An L0 solution to sparse approximation problems with continuous dictionaries,
International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'2018), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Apr. 2018.
DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP.2018.8462281
HAL Id : hal-02052951v1

M. Boudineau, H. Carfantan,
Approximation parcimonieuse avec dictionnaire continu pour l’analyse spectrale de données irrégulièrement échantillonnées,
XXVIème colloque Gretsi, Juan-Les-Pins, France, sept. 2017.
HAL Id : hal-01635129

I. Ardi, H. Carfantan, S. Lacroix et A. Monmayrant
Reconstruction d’images hyperspectrales à faible coût pour un imageur pilotable à double dispersion,
XXVIème colloque Gretsi, Juan-Les-Pins, France, sept. 2017.
HAL Id : hal-01562530

M. Boudineau, H. Carfantan, S. Bourguignon and M. Bazot,
Sampling schemes and parameter estimation for nonlinear Bernoulli-Gaussian sparse models,
IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, june 2016.
DOI: 0.1109/SSP.2016.7551706

S. Bourguignon, J. Ninin, H. Carfantan, M. Mongeau,
Optimisation exacte de critères parcimonieux en norme L0 par programmation mixte en nombres entiers,
XXVème colloque Gretsi, Lyon, France, sept. 2015.
HAL Id : hal-01194776/

A. Selloum, E. Villeneuve, H. Carfantan et Y. Deville,
Séparation myope de sources stellaires hyperspectrales par des méthodes bayésiennes : Filtre particulaire et MCMC,
XXIVème colloque Gretsi, Brest, France, sept. 2013.
HAL Id : hal-01635161

A. Selloum, Y. Deville et H. Carfantan,
Separation of stellar spectra from hyperspectral images using partical filtering constrained by a parametric spatial mixing model.
11th International Workshop IEEE Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals and their application to Mechatronics, Toulouse, France, juin 2013.
DOI: 10.1109/ECMSM.2013.6648952

E. Villeneuve and H. Carfantan,
Hyperspectral data deconvolution for galaxy kinematics with MCMC,
20th European Signal Processing Conference EUSIPCO, Bucarest, Roumanie, août 2012.

S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan, D. Mary, E. Slezak, and A. Ferrari,
Restauration des cubes hyperspectraux du spectro-imageur MUSE,
XXIIIème colloque Gretsi, Bordeaux, France, sept. 2011.
HAL Id :

E. Villeneuve, H. Carfantan, A. Jarno, D. Serre, V. Mazet, and S. Bourguignon,
Modélisation et estimation de la PSF d'un instrument hyperspectral au sol pour l'astrophysique, XXIIIème colloque Gretsi, Bordeaux, France, sept. 2011.
HAL Id : hal-01635140

I. Meganem, Y. Deville, S. Hosseini, H. Carfantan, and M.S. Karoui,
Extraction of stellar spectra from dense fields in hyperspectral MUSE data cubes using non-negative matrix factorization.
IEEE WHISPERS, Lisbonne, Portugal, june 2011.

S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan, E. Slezak, and D. Mary,
Sparsity-based spatial-spectral restoration of muse astrophysical hyperspectral data cubes,
IEEE WHISPERS, Lisbonne, Portugal, june 2011.

E. Villeneuve, H. Carfantan, and D. Serre,
PSF estimation of hyperspectral data acquisition system for ground-based astrophysical observations,
Lisbonne, Portugal, june 2011.

S. Bourguignon, C. Soussen, H. Carfantan, and J. Idier,
Sparse deconvolution: Comparison of statistical and deterministic approaches,
IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Nice, France, june 2011.
DOI: 10.1109/SSP.2011.5967691
HAL Id : hal-00583135v1

D. Testa, H. Carfantan, M. Toussaint, R. Chavan and Y. Fournier et al.
Analysis of the ITER High-Frequency Magnetic Diagnostic Set,
26th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Porto, Portugal, oct. 2010.

D. Serre, E. Villeneuve, H. Carfantan, L. Jolissaint, V. Mazet, S. Bourguignon, and A. Jarno, Modeling the spatial PSF at the VLT focal plane for MUSE WFM data analysis purpose,
In SPIE Conference Series, volume 7736, jul. 2010.

D. Testa, R. Chavan, J. Guterl, J.B. Lister, J.-M. Moret, A. Perez, F. Sanchez, B. Schaller, G. Tonetti, M. Toussaint, G. Chitarin, R.S. Delogu, A. Gallo, N. Marconato, S. Peruzzo, A. Encheva, G. Vayakis, C. Walker, H. Carfantan, Y. Fournier, T. Maeder, E. Hodgson, J. Romero, R. Vila, A. Le-Luyer, P. Moreau, B. Brichard, and L. Vermeeren.
The magnetic diagnostic set for ITER,
rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering, IEEE/NPSS, San Diego, CA, nov. 2009.
D. Testa, D. Chavan, J. Guterl, J.B. Lister, J.-M. Moret, A. Perez, F. Sanchez, B. Schaller, G. Tonetti, M. Toussaint, Y. Fournier, T. Maeder, A. Encheva, G. Vayakis, C. Walker, and
H. Carfantan, Baseline system design and prototyping for the ITER high-frequency magnetic diagnostics set,
23rd Symposium on Fusion Engineering, IEEE/NPSS, San Diego, CA, nov. 2009.

D. Testa, T. Panis, P. Blanchard, H. Carfantan, A. Fasoli, and JET-EFDA contributors, Measurement of the Damping Rate of High-n Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes in JET,
11th IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Energetic Particles, Kyiv (Ukraine), 21-23 sept. 2009.

E. Anterrieu, A. Khazaal, and H. Carfantan,
Impact of correlators and receivers failures on the miras instrument onboard SMOS.
Proc. IEEE International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS'08), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, juillet 2008.
DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2008.4779126

L. Jolissaint, H. Carfantan and E. Anterrieu,
Exploring the impact of PSF reconstruction errors on the reduction of astronomical adaptive optics based data,
Proc. Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2008, Marseille (France), SPIE Proc. Vol. 7015 (Adaptative Optics Systems), 23-28 June 2008.
DOI: 10.1117/12.789618

A. Khazaal, H. Carfantan, and E. Anterrieu,
On the reduction of the systematic error in imaging radiometry by aperture synthesis : a new approach for the SMOS space mission,
In Proc. 10th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry & Remote Sensing Applications (microRAD'08), Florence, Italie, mars 2008.

A. Klein, D. Testa, J. Snipes, A. Fasoli, and H. Carfantan.
Damping rate measurements of medium n alfvén eigenmodes in jet.
In American Physical Society, 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, Orlando, Florida, nov. 2007.

A. Klein, D. Testa, J. Snipes, A. Fasoli, and H. Carfantan.
A new method for the analysis of alfvén eigenmodes using data from unevenly-spaced mirnov coils.
In 10th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magenetic Confinement Systems, Garching, Germany, oct. 2007.

S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan, J. Idier,
Minimisation de critères de moindres carrés pénalisés par la norme L1 dans le cas complexe,
XXIème colloque Gretsi, Troyes, France, sept. 2007.

S. Bourguignon and H. Carfantan,
New methods for fitting mutiple sinusoids from irregularly sampled data,
In Astronomical Data Analysis, Marseille, France, septembre 2006.

C. Leroy, A. Arondel, J.-P. Bernard, H. Carfantan, C. Dumesnil, J.-J. Fourmond, G. Guyot, J.-M. Lamarre, F. Pajot, M. Piat, J.-L. Puget, J.-F. Trouilhet, S. Varesi, and the Planck-HFI Instrument Team,
Performances of the planck-HFI cryogenic thermal control system.
Proc. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation conference, Orlando, Florida USA, mai 2006.
DOI: 10.1117/12.670845

S. Bourguignon and H. Carfantan,
Spectral analysis of irregularly sampled data using a Bernoulli-Gaussian model with free frequencies,
Proc. International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'06), pages 516-519, Toulouse, France, mai 2006.

S. Bourguignon and H. Carfantan,
Bernoulli-Gaussian spectral analysis of unevenly spaced astrophysical data,
Proc. IEEE Workshop in Statistical Signal Processing (SSP'05), pages 811--816, Bordeaux, France, juillet 2005.

Y. Deville, D. Bissessur, M. Puigt, S. Hosseini, and H. Carfantan,
A time-scale correlation-based blind separation method applicable to correlated sources,
Proc. 14 th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'06), Bruges, Belgium, avril 2006.
HAL Id: hal-00408599v1

S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan, and L. Jahan,
Regularized spectral analysis of unevenly spaced data,
Proc International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'05), pages 421-424, Philadelphia, USA, mars 2005.

H. Carfantan and J. Idier.
Statistical self-calibration of pushbrum-type satellite images.
Proc. Fourth International Conference on Physics in Signal and Image Processing (PSIP'05), pages 183-188, Toulouse, France, janvier 2005.

S. Bourguignon, H. Carfantan, and L. Jahan,
Regularized estimation of line spectra from irregularly sampled astrophysical data.
Proc. Fourth International Conference on Physics in Signal and Image Processing (PSIP'05), pages 35-40, Toulouse, France, janvier 2005.