Orbital mechanics II   (M11)  12 h

Refresher training on orbital mechanics I (M1 SUTS). Acquire a general culture in SCAO :  basic control problems, physical phenomena and their order of magnitude.

responsible : David Mimoun (ISAE)

Architecture & Technology of Space Systems  (M12)  36 h

Mechanical model of a structure : Sinusoidal, random and acoustics vibrations, shocks.

Thermal model of a structure :  Conduction, convection, radiation. Thermal equilibrium. Transitory and periodic regime.

Electromagnetic model of a structure : electromagnetic compatibility. Conduction, radiation. Sources, detectors, couplings

responsable : Laurent Deroin (CNES)

Space telecommunication and navigation  (M13)  48 h

System architecture. Satellite links. Antennae. Propagation. Transmission techniques. Radio Propagation. Scientific payloads. Multiple access. Ground station and equipment. Location by satellites. Satellite navigation systems : GPS, GLONASS, ARGOS-SARSAT systems.  DORIS satellite location system. Global Navigation Satellite System II. the GALILEO program. 

Responsible : L . Castanet (ONERA)