CLAIRE : characteristics

 C1 lens
  Characteristics Values Notes
c1.1 Lens diameter  450 mm diameter taken from the external edge
c1.2 Active diameter of the lens 399 mm edge of the outer ring of crystals
c1.3 Weight 8.8 kg frame alone
c1.4 Focal length (170 keV) 2780 mm 170 keV to be focused;  from middle of lens frame to front of central det.
c1.5 Energy bandpass 1.0 keV 30” mosaic width, on axis continuum source
c1.6 Focal spot  11 mm FWHM for an energy of 170 keV
c1.7 Total field of view of the lens 78 arc sec  FWHM cont. radiation, det. energy resolution 1.5 keV, mosaic width 30” FWHM

 C2 detector
  Characteristics Values Notes
c2.1 Pixel size of the Ge matrix 15 x 15 mm  (TBC)
c2.2 number of detector 9
c2.3 Size of the matrix detector  45 x 45 x 40 mm  assuming a pixel size of 15 x 15 mm 
c2.4 Energy resolution 1.5 keV at 170 keV 

 C3 telescope
  Characteristics Values Notes
c3.1 Detector-lens distance at 122 keV 2309 mm  ground calibration : foresee a possibility to test the lens tuning 
c3.2 Source-lens distance at 122 keV 14053 mm