Estimations of the particle flux irradiating Ge detectors of SPI

Cosmic-ray protons impinging of the INTEGRAL observatory create secondary particles (n and p+) that induce radioactivity in SPI spectrometer and damage Ge detectors. Several estimations have been done (see Jean, 1996, Thèse de l’Université Paul Sabatier and Diallo et al., 1996, "Proceedings of the second INTEGRAL workshop", ESA publication division, SP-382).

Results of recent (1998) estimations done with Monte-Carlo simulations are presented here:

  1. neutron spectrum impinging on Ge detectors of SPI - (Diallo & Jean estimations)
  2. proton spectrum impinging on Ge detectors of SPI - (Diallo & Jean estimations).
  3. neutron spectrum impinging on Ge detectors of SPI - (Jean with a cut at 3 GeV for p+ spectrum & Diallo)
  4. neutron spectrum impinging on Ge detectors of SPI as a function of cosmic ray p+ energy cut - (Jean)
  5. particle (p+ and n) integral spectra (Jean)