List of publications

P. Jean - August 2024


Publications dans des revues à comité de lecture / publications in peer reviewed journals


2024 :

- G. dos Santos, M. Boix, J. Knödlseder, Ph. Garnier, L. Montastruc, P. Jean, G. Pareshi, A. Steiner, F. Toussenel, Assessment of the environmental impacts of the Cherenkov Telescope Array mid-sized telescope, Nature Astronomy, 199D


- S. Abe et al. (CTA Collaboration), 2024, Dark Matter Line Searches with the Cherenkov Telescope Array, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 07, 047


- F. Bradascio, F. Brun, F. Cangemi, S. Caroff, E. Delagnes, D. Gascon, J-F. Glicenstein, D. Hoffmann, P. Jean, C. Juramy-Gilles, J. P. Lenain, V. Marandon, J-L. Meunier, E. Pierre, M. Punch, A. Sanuy, P. Sizun, F. Toussenel, B. Vallage and V. Voisin, 2024, Characterization and performances of an upgraded front-end-board for the NectarCAM camera, NIM A, 1063, 169318


2023 :

- F. Bradascio, H. Rueda, J. A. Barrio, J. Biteau, F. Brun, C. Champion, J-F. Glicenstein, D. Hoffmann, P. Jean, J. P. Lenain, F. Louis, A. Pérez, M. Punch, P. Sizun, K. -H. Sulanke, L. A. Tejedor, and B. Vallage, 2023, The NectarCAM Timing System, NIM A, 1054, 168398.


- K. V. Sokolovsky, T. J. Johnson, S. Buson, P. Jean, C.C. Cheung, K. Mukai, L. Chomiuk, E. Aydi, B. Molina, A. Kawash, J. D. Linford, A. J. Mioduszewski, M. P. Rupen, J. L. Sokoloski, M.N. Williams, E. Steinberg, I. Vurm, B. D. Metzger, K. L. Page, M. Orio, R. M. Quimby, A. W. Shafter, H. Corbett, S. Bolzoni, J. DeYoung, K. Menzies, F. D. Romanov, M. Richmond, J. Ulowetz, T. Vanmunster, G. Williamson, D. J. Lane, M. Bartnik, M. Bellaver, E. Bruinsma, E. Dugan, J. Fedewa, C. Gerhard, S. Painter, D. -M, Peterson, J. E. Rodriguez, C. Smith, H. Sullivan, S. Watson, 2023, The multiwavelength view of shocks in the fastest nova V1674 Her, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 521, 5453


2022 :

- C.C. Cheung, T.J. Johnson, P. Jean, M. Kerr, K..L. Page, J.P. Osborne, A.P. Beardmore, K.V. Sokolovsky, F. Teyssier, S. Ciprini, G. Marti-Devesa, I. Mereu, S. Razzaque, K.S. Wood, S.N. Shore, S. Korotkiy, A. Levina & A Blumenzweig, 2022, Fermi LAT Gamma-ray Detection of the Recurrent Nova RS Ophiuchi during its 2021 Outburst, Astrophysical Journal, 935, 44

- M. Caixach, P. Jean, J. Isern, E. Bravo, 2022, Search for gamma-ray emission from a galactic supernova with the anticoincidence system of SPI, MNRAS, 513, 2814

- J. Beechert, Th. Siegert, J. Tomsick, A. Zoglauer, S.E. Boggs, T.J. Brandt, H. Gulick, P. Jean, C. Kierans, H. Lazar, A. Lowell, J. Roberts, C. Sleator & P. von Ballmoos, 2022, Measurement of Galactic 26Al with the Compton Spectrometer and Imager, Astrophysical Journal, 928, 119B.


2021 :

- A. Tsiahina, P. Jean, J.F. Olive, J. Knödlseder, C. Marty, T. Ravel, C. Jarnot, B. Biasuzzi, J. Bolmont, F. Brun, S. Caroff, E. Delagnes, S. Fegan, G. Fontaine, D. Gascon, J.-F. Glicenstein, D. Hoffmann, S. Karkar, J.-P. Lenain, J. Paredes, P.-O. Petrucci, J. Prast, M. Ribó, S. Rivoire, A. Sanuy, P. Sharma, T. Suomijarvi, L.A. Tejedor, F. Toussenel for the NectarCAM & CTA collaborations, 2021, Measurement of performance of the NectarCAM photodetectors, NIM A, vol 1007, 165413.

- J. Isern, M. Hernanz, E. Bravo, S. Grebenev, P. Jean, M. Renaud, T. Siegert, and J Vink, 2021, Synthesis of radioactive elements in novae and supernovae and their use as a diagnostic tool, New Astronomy Reviews, 92, id. 101606


2020 :

- E. Churazov, L. Bouchet, P. Jean, E. Jourdain, J. Knödlseder, R. Krivonos, J.-P. Roques, S. Sazonov, Th. Siegert, A. Strong, and R. Sunyaev, 2020, INTEGRAL results on the electron-positron annihilation radiation and X-ray & gamma-ray diffuse emission of the Milky Way, New Astronomy Reviews, 90, id. 101548

- T. Siegert, S.E. Boggs, J.A. Tomsick, A. Zoglauer, C. Kierans, C. Sleator, J. Beechert, T. Brandt, P. Jean, H. Lazar, A. Lowell, J.M. Roberts, and P. von Ballmoos, 2020, Imaging the 511 keV positron annihilation sky with COSI, 2020, Astrophysical Journal, 897, 45

- C. Kierans, S. Boggs, A. Zoglauer, A. W. Lowell, C. Sleator, J. Beechert, T. J. Brandt, P. Jean, H. Lazar, J. Roberts, T. Siegert, J. Tomsick, P. von Ballmoos, 2020, Detection of the 511 keV Galactic position annihilation line with COSI, Astrophysical Journal, 895, 44

- B. Biasuzzi, K. Pressard, J. Biteau, B. Geoffroy, C. Domingues Goncalves, G. Hull, M. Imre, M. Josselin, A. Maroni, B. Mathon, L. Seminor, T. Suomijarvi, T. Nguyen Trung, L. Vatrinet, P. Brun, S. Caroff, S. Fegan, O. Ferreira, P. Jean, S. Karkar. J-F. Olive, S. Rivoire, P. Sizun, F. Thiant, A. Tsiahina, F. Toussenel, G. Vasileiadis, Georges, 2019, Design and characterization of a single photoelectron calibration system for the NectarCAM camera of the medium-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A, 950, 162949.


2019 :

- A. Acharya et al., 2019, Monte Carlo studies for the optimisation of the Cherenkov Telescope Array layout, Astroparticle Physics, 4, 1

- A. Acharya et al., 2019, Science with the Cherenkov Telescope Array, doi 10.1142/10986


2018 :

– T. Siegert, A. Coc, L. Delgado, R. Diehl, J. Greiner, M. Hernanz, P. Jean, J. Jordi, P. Molaro, M. Pleintinger, V. Savchenko, S. Starrfield, V. Tatischeff, C. Weinberger, 2018, Gamma-ray observations of Nova Sgr 2015 No. 2 with INTEGRAL, A&A, 615, 107

– P. Martin, G. Dubus, P. Jean, V. Tatischeff, C. Dosne, 2017, Gamma-ray emission from internal shocks in novae, A&A, 612, A38.

– A. Franckowiak, P. Jean, M. Wood, C.C. Cheung, S. Buson, 2017, Search for Gamma-ray Emission from Galactic Novae with the Fermi-LAT, A&A, 609, A120.


2017 :

– A.W. Lowell, S.E. Boggs, J-L Chiu, C.A. Kierans, C.C. Sleator, J.A. Tomsick, A.C. Zoglauer, H-K Chang, C-H Tseng, C-Y Yang, P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, C-H Lin, M. Amman, 2017, Maximum Likelihood Compton Polarimetry with the Compton Spectrometer and Imager, Astrophysical Journal, 848, 120.

– A.W. Lowell, S.E. Boggs, J-L Chiu, C.A. Kierans, C.C. Sleator, J.A. Tomsick, A.C. Zoglauer, H-K Chang, C-H Tseng, C-Y Yang, P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, C-H Lin, M. Amman, 2017, Polarimetric Analysis of the Long Duration Gamma Ray Burst GRB 160530A With the Balloon Borne Compton Spectrometer and Imager, Astrophysical Journal, 848, 119.

– T. Fitoussi, R. Belmont, J. Malzac, A. Marcowith, J. Cohen-Tanugi, P. Jean, 2017, Physics of cosmological cascades and observable properties, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 466, 3472.


2016 :

– C.C. Cheung, P. Jean, S.N. Shore, L. Stawarz, R.H.D. Corbet, J. Knödlseder, S. Starrfield, D.L. Wood, R. Desiante, F. Longo, G. Pivato, K.S. Wood, 2016, Fermi-LAT Gamma-Ray Detection of Classical Novae V1369 Centauri 2013 and V5668 Sagittarii 2015, ApJ, 826, 142

– J. Isern, P. Jean, E. Bravo, J. Knödlseder, F. Lebrun, E. Churazov, R. Sunyaev, A. Domingo, C. Badenes, D.H. Hartmann, P. Hoeflich, M. Renaud, S. Soldi, N. Elias-Rosa, M. Hernanz, I. Domínguez, D. García-Senz, G.G. Lichti, G. Vedrenne, P. von Ballmoos, 2016, Gamma-ray emission from SN2014J near maximum optical light, A&A , 588, 67


2015 :

 – E. Churazov, R. Sunyaev, J. Isern, I. Bikmaev, E. Bravo, N. Chugai, S. Grebenev, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, F. Lebrun, & E. Kuulkers, 2015, Gamma-rays from type Ia supernova SN2014J, ApJ, 812, 62C

– J.L. Chui, S.E. Boggs, H.K. Chang, J.A. Tomsick, A.Zoglauer, M. Amman, Y.H. Chang, Y. Chou, P. Jean, C. Kierans, C.H. Lin, A. Lowell, J.R. Shang, C.H. Tseng, P. von Ballmoos, C.Y. Yang, 2015, The upcoming balloon campaign of the Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI), NIMA A, 784, 359

– V. Esposito, R. Walter, P. Jean, A. Tramacere, M. Türler, A. Lähteenmäki, & M. Tornikoski, 2015, The high energy spectrum of 3C 273, A&A, 576, 122


2014 : 

– E. Churazov, R. Sunyaev, J. Isern, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, F. Lebrun, N. Chugai, S. Grebenev, E. Bravo, S. Sazonov & M. Renaud, 2014, First detection of 56Co gamma-ray lines from type Ia supernova (SN2014J) with INTEGRAL, Nature, 512, 406

– Ackermann et al. (Corr. Authors : C.C. Cheung, P. Jean, S. Shore), 2014, Fermi Establishes Classical Novae as a New Class of Gamma-Ray Sources, Science, 345, 554

– A. Alexis, P. Jean, P. Martin & K. Ferrière, 2014, Monte Carlo modelling of the propagation of nucleosynthesis positrons in the Galaxy, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 564, 108


2013 : 

– J. Isern, P. Jean, E. Bravo, R. Diehl, J. Knödlseder, A. Domingo, A. Hirschmann, P. Hoeflich, F. Lebrun, M. Renaud, S. Soldi, N. Elias-Rosa, M. Hernanz, B. Kulebi, X. Zhang, C. Badenes, I. Dominguez, D. Garcia-Senz, C. Jordi, G. Lichti, G. Vedrenne, P. Von Ballmoos, 2013, Observation of SN2011fe with INTEGRAL. I. Pre-maximum phase, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 552, A97 

– B.S. Acharya et al. (CTA collaboration – 977 authors), 2013, Introducing the CTA concept, Astroparticle Physics, vol. 43, 3


2012 : 

– P. Martin, A.W. Strong, P. Jean, A. Alexis & R. Diehl, 2012, Galactic annihilation emission from nucleosynthesis positrons, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 543, 3


2011 :


– M.S. Bandstra, E.C. Bellm, S.E. Boggs, D. Perez-Becker, A. Zoglauer, H.K. Chang, J.L. Chiu, J.S. Liang, Y.H. Chang, Z.K. Liu, W.C. Hung, M.H.A. Huang, S.J. Chiang, R.S. Run, C.H. Lin, M. Amman, P.N. Luke, P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, C.B. Wunderer, 2011, Detection and imaging of the Crab nebula with the Nuclear Compton Telescope, Astrophysical Journal, 738, 8


- V. Beckmann, P. Jean, P. Lubinski, S. Soldi & R. Terrier, 2011, Hard X-ray emission of Cen A, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 531, 70

- N. Prantzos, C. Boehm, A.M. Bykov, R. Diehl, K. Ferrière, N. Guessoum, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, A. Marcowith, I. Moskalenko, A.W. Strong & G. Weidenspointner, 2010, The 511 keV emission from positron annihilation in the Galaxy, Review of Modern Physics, 83, 1001.


2010 :

- S. Razzaque, P. Jean & O. Mena, 2010, High Energy neutrinos from novae in symbiotic binaries, Physical Review D, 82, 12


- Abdo et al. (Corr. Authors : P. Martin, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean), 2010, Detection of the small Magellanic Cloud with Fermi/LAT, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 523, A46


- Abdo et al. (Corr. Authors : P. Martin, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean), 2010, Fermi Large Area Telescope observations of Local Group galaxies : detection of M31 and search for M33, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 523, L2


- R. Diehl, M.G. Lang, P. Martin, H. Ohlendorf, T. Preibisch, R. Voss, P. Jean, J.P. Roques, P. von Ballmoos, & W. Wang, 2010, Radioactive 26Al from Scorpius-Centaurus association, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 522, A51 - P. Martin, J. Vink, S. Jiraskova, P. Jean & R. Diehl, 2010, Annihilation emission from young supernova remnants, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 519, 100 

- Abdo et al. (Corr. Authors : C.C. Cheung, A.B. Hill, P. Jean, S. Razzaque, K.S. Wood), 2010, Gamma-Ray emission concurrent with the nova in the symbiotic binary V407 Cygni, Science, 329, 817 

- Abdo et al. (Corr. Authors : J. Knödlseder, P. Jean), 2010, Observation of the Large Magellanic Cloud with Fermi, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 512, 7 

- N. Guessoum, P. Jean & W. Gillard, 2010, Positron annihilation on PAHs in the interstellar medium, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 402, 1171


2009 :

- P. Jean, W. Gillard, A. Marcowith & K. Ferrière, 2009, Positron transport in the interstellar medium, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics

- W. Wang, M.G. Lang, R. Diehl, H. Halloin, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, K. Kretschmer, P. Martin, J.P. Roques, A.W. Strong, C. Winkler & X.L. Zhang, 2009, Spectral and intensity variations of Galactic 26Al emission, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 496, 713


2008 :

- F. Senziani, G.K. Skinner, P. Jean & M. Hernanz, 2008, Detectability of gamma-ray emission from classical novae with Swift/BAT, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 485, 223

- G. Weidenspointner, G.K. Skinner, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, P. von Ballmoos, G. Bignami, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, B. Cordier, S. Schanne & Ch. Winkler, 2008, An asymmetric distribution of positrons in the Galactic disk revealed by gamma-rays, Nature, 451, 159


2007 :

- W. Wang, M.J. Harris, R. Diehl, H. Halloin, B. Cordier, A.W. Strong, K. Kretschmer, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, G.G. Lichti, J.P. Roques, S. Schanne, A. von Kienlin, G. Weidenspointner & C. Wunderer, 2008, SPI observations of the diffuse 60Fe emission in the Galaxy, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 469, 100

- K. Ferrière, Gillard W. & P. Jean, 2007, Spatial distribution of interstellar gas in the innermost 3 kpc of our galaxy, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 467, 611


2006 :

- M.F. Bode, T.J. O’Brien, J.P. Osborne, K.L. Page, F. Senziani, G.K. Skinner, S. Starrfield, J.-U. Ness, J.J. Drake, G. Schwarz, A.P. Beardmore, M.J. Darnley, S.P.S. Eyres, A. Evans, N. Gehrels, M.R. Goad, P. Jean, J. Krautter, G. Novara, 2006, Swift observations of the 2006 outburst of the reccurent nova RS Ophiuci : I - Early X-ray emission from the shocked ejecta and red giant wind, Astrophysical Journal, 652, 629

- M. Fiocchi, A. Bazzano, P. Ubertini & P. Jean, 2006, Disc-jet coupling in the LMXB 4U 1636-53 from INTEGRAL observation, Astrophysical Journal, 651, 416


- N. Guessoum, P. Jean & N. Prantzos, 2006, Microquasars as source of positron annihilation radiation, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 457, 753


- Y. Ascasibar, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder & C. Boehm, 2006, Constraints on dark matter and the shape of the Milky Way dark halo from the 511 keV line, Montly Notice of Royal Astronomical Society, 368, 1695


- G. Weidenspointner, C.R. Shrader, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, V. Lonjou, N. Guessoum, R. Diehl, W. Gillard, M.J. Harris, G.K. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, G. Vedrenne, J.-P. Roques, S. Schanne, P. Sizun, B.J. Teegarden, V. Schönfelder & C. Winkler, 2006, The sky distribution of positronium annihilation continuum emission measured with SPI/INTEGRAL, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 450, 1013.


- R. Diehl, H. Halloin, K. Kretschmer, A.W. Strong, W. Wang, P. Jean, G.G. Lichti, J. Knödlseder, J.-P. Roques, S. Schanne, V. Schönfelder, A. von Kienlin, G. Weidenspointner, C. Winkler & C. Wunderer, 2006, 26 Al in the inner Galaxy - Large-scale spectral characteristics derived with SPI/INTEGRAL, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 449, 1025.


- R. Diehl, H. Halloin, K. Kretschmer, G.G. Lichti, V. Schönfelder, A.W. Strong, A. von Kienlin, W. Wang, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, J.-P. Roques, G. Weidenspointner, S. Schanne, D.H. Hartmann, C. Winkler & C. Wunderer, 2006, Radioactive 26 Al and massive stars in the Galaxy, Nature, 04364


- P. Jean, J. Knodlseder, W. Gillard, N. Guessoum, K. Ferrière, A. Marcowith, V. Lonjou & J.P. Roques, 2005, Spectral analysis of the Galactic e+e- annihilation emission, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 445, 579


2005 :

- V. Lonjou, J.P. Roques, P. von Ballmoos, P. Jean, J. Knoedlseder, G. Skinner, A. Thévenin, G. Weidenspointner, 2005, "Characterization of the in-flight degradation of the INTEGRAL/SPI detectors, Nuclear Instrument and Method A, 554, 320


- J. Knodlseder, P. Jean, V. Lonjou, G. Weidenspointner, N. Guessoum, W. Gillard, G. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, G. Vedrenne, J.P. Roques, S. Schanne, B. Teegarden, V. Schonfelder & C. Winkler, 2005, The all sky distribution of 511 keV electron-positron annihilation emission, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 441, 513 

- N. Guessoum, P. Jean & W. Gillard, 2005, The lives and deaths of positrons in the interstellar medium, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 436, 171 

- S. Mereghetti, D. Götz, A. von Kienlin, G. Lichti, G. Weidenspointner, P. Jean, 2005, The First Giant Flare from SGR 1806-20: Observations Using the Anticoincidence Shield of the Spectrometer on INTEGRAL, Astrophysical Journal, 624, L105 

- M. Harris, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, E. Cisana, R. Diehl, G. Lichti, J.-P. Roques, S. Schanne, G. Weidenspointner, 2005, Detection of gamma-ray lines from interstellar 60Fe by the high resolution spectrometer SPI, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 433, L49 

- B.J. Teegarden, K. Watanabe, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, V. Lonjou, G.K. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, G. Weidenspointner, A. Bazzano, Y.M. Butt, A. Decourchelle, A.C. Fabian, A. Goldwurm, M. Güdel, D.C. Hannikainen, D.H. Hartmann, A. Hornstrup, W.H.G. Lewin, K. Makishima, J. Millar, A.N. Parmar, S.P. Reynolds, R.E. Rothschild, V. Schönfelder, J.A. Tomsick, J. Vink, 2005, INTEGRAL SPI Limits on electron-positron annihilation radiation from the Galactic plane, Astrophysical Journal, 621, 296 


2004 : 

- S.E. Boggs, W. Coburn, D.M. Smith, J.D. Bowen, P. Jean, J.M. Kregenow, R.P. Lin, P. von Ballmoos, 2004, Overview of the nuclear Compton telescope, New Astronomy Review, 48, 251 

- P. von Ballmoos et al., 2004, CLAIRE’s first light, New Astronomy Review, 48, 243  


2003 :

- P. Jean, G.Vedrenne, J.P. Roques, V.Schoenfelder, B.J. Teegarden, A. von Kienlin, J. Knoedlseder, C. Wunderer, G.K. Skinner, G.Weidenspointner, D.Attie, S. Boggs, P. Caraveo, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, M. Gros, P. Leleux, G.G. Lichti, E. Kalemci, J. Kiener, V. Lonjou, P. Mandrou, Ph. Paul, S. Schanne, P. von Ballmoos, 2003, SPI instrumental background characteristics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 411, L107-L112.

- L. Bouchet, E. Jourdain, J. P. Roques, P. Mandrou, P. von Ballmoos, S. Boggs, P. Caraveo, M. Cassé, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, P. Durouchoux, A. von Kienlin, J. Knodlseder, P. Jean, P. Leleux, G. G. Lichti, J. Matteson, F. Sanchez, S. Schanne, V. Schoenfelder, G. Skinner, A. Strong, B. Teegarden, G. Vedrenne and C. Wunderer, 2003, SPI/INTEGRAL observation of the Cygnus region, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 411, L377-L382   

- J. P. Roques, S. Schanne, A. von Kienlin, J. Knödlseder, R. Briet, L. Bouchet, Ph. Paul, S. Boggs, P. Caraveo, M. Cassé, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, P. Durouchoux, P. Jean, P. Leleux, G. Lichti, P. Mandrou, J. Matteson, F. Sanchez, V. Schönfelder, G. Skinner, A. Strong, B. Teegarden, G. Vedrenne, P. von Ballmoos and C. Wunderer, 2003,  SPI/INTEGRAL in-flight performance, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 411, L91-L100   

- P. Leleux, F. Albernhe, 3, V. Borrel, 3, B. Cordier, R. Coszach, S. Crespin, J. M. Denis, P. Duhamel, P. Frabel, W. Galster, J.-S. Graulich, P. Jean, B. Kandel, J. P. Meulders1, G. Tauzin, J. Vanhorenbeeck, G. Vedrenne and P. von Ballmoos, 2003, Neutron-induced nuclear reactions and degradation in germanium detectors, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 411, L85-L90 

- S. J. Sturner, C. R. Shrader, G. Weidenspointner, B. J. Teegarden, D. Attié, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, C. Ferguson, P. Jean, A. von Kienlin, Ph. Paul, F. Sánchez, S. Schanne, P. Sizun, G. Skinner and C. B. Wunderer, 2003, Monte Carlo simulations and generation of the SPI response, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 411, L81-L84  

-  G. Vedrenne, J.-P. Roques, V. Schönfelder, P. Mandrou, G. G. Lichti, A. von Kienlin, B. Cordier, S. Schanne, J. Knödlseder, G. Skinner, P. Jean, F. Sanchez, P. Caraveo, B. Teegarden, P. von Ballmoos, L. Bouchet, P. Paul, J. Matteson, S. Boggs, C. Wunderer, P. Leleux, G. Weidenspointner, Ph. Durouchoux, R. Diehl, A. Strong, M. Cassé, M. A. Clair and Y. André, 2003,   SPI: The spectrometer aboard INTEGRAL, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 411, L63-L70

- J. Knodlseder, V. Lonjou, P. Jean, M. Allain, P. Mandrou, J.-P. Roques, G.K. Skinner, G. Vedrenne, P. von Ballmoos, G. Weidenspointner, P. Caraveo, B. Cordier, V. Schonfelder, B.J. Teegarden, 2003, Early SPI/INTEGRAL contraints on the morphology of the 511 keV line emission in the 4th galactic quadrant, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 411, L457-L460.

- D. Attié, B. Cordier, M. Gros, Ph. Laurent, S. Schanne, G. Tauzin, P. von Ballmoos, L. Bouchet, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, P. Mandrou, Ph. Paul, J.-P. Roques, G. Skinner, G. Vedrenne, R. Georgii, A. von Kienlin, G. Lichti, V. Schönfelder, A. Strong, C. Wunderer, C. Shrader, S. Sturner, B. Teegarden, G. Weidenspointner, J. Kiener, M.-G. Porquet, V. Tatischeff, S. Crespin, S. Joly, Y. André, F. Sanchez, P. Leleux, 2003, INTEGRAL/SPI ground calibration, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 411, L71-L79.

- P. Jean, J. Knoedlseder, V. Lonjou, M. Allain, J.-P. Roques, G.K. Skinner, B.J. Teegarden, G. Vedrenne, P. von Ballmoos, B. Cordier, P. Caraveo, R. Diehl, Ph. Durouchoux, P. Mandrou, J. Matteson, N. Gehrels, V. Schoenfelder, A.W. Strong, P. Ubertini, G. Weidenspointner, C. Winkler, 2003, Early SPI/INTEGRAL measurements of galactic 511 keV line emission from positron annihilation, Astronomy and Astrophysics, L55, 407

- von Ballmoos, P.; Guessoum, N.; Jean, P.; Knödlseder, J., 2003, Models for the positive latitude e{-}e{+} annihilation feature, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 397, 635

- H. Halloin, P. von Ballmoos, J. Evrard, G.K. Skinner, N. Abrosimov, P. Bastie, G. Di Cocco, M. George, B. Hamelin, P. Jean, J. Knoedlseder, Ph. Laporte, C. Badenes, Ph. Laurent, R.K. Smither, 2003, Performance of CLAIRE, the first balloon borne gamma-ray lens telescope, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 504, 102


2002 :

- N. Guessoum, P. Jean, 2002, Detectability and Characteristics of the 2.223 MeV Line Emission from Nearby X-Ray Binaries,  Astronomy and Astrophysics, 396,  157

- S.E. Boggs, P. Jean, S. Slassi-Sennou, W. Coburn, R.P. Lin, N.W. Madden, S. McBride, R.M. Pelling, J.H., Primbsch, P. von Ballmoos, 2002, Balloon flight test of pulse shape discrimination (PSD) electronics and background model performance on the HIREGS payload, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 491, 390.  


2001 :

- P. Jean, N. Guessoum, 2001, "Neutron capture and 2.2 MeV emission in the atmosphere of the secondary of an X-ray binary", Astronomy and Astrophysics,  378, 509

- S. E. Boggs, P. Jean, 2001, "Performance characteristics of high resolution Compton telescopes", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 376, 1126

- Jean P., Knödlseder J., von Ballmoos P., Gómez-Gomar J., Hernanz M., José J., 2001, "Upper-limits of the 22 Na yield from O-Ne Nova", in "Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL workshop 4-8 September 2000, Alicante (Spain)", to be published in the ESA-SP series.

- S. E. Boggs, P. Jean, 2001, "Simulated Performance of a Germanium Compton Telescope" in "Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL workshop 4-8 September 2000, Alicante (Spain)", to be published in the ESA-SP series.  


2000 :

- S. E. Boggs, P. Jean, 2000, "Event reconstruction in high resolution Compton telescopes" dans "Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series", 145, 311B.

- Laporte P., Abrosimov N., Bastie P.,  Cordier B., Di Cocco G., Evrard J., Gizzi L., Hamelin B., Jean P., Laurent Ph., Skinner G.K., Smither R.K., von Ballmoos P., 2000, "CLAIRE - towards the first light for a gamma-ray lens", dans "Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research", A442, 438

- Coszach R., Duhamel P., Galster W., Jean P., Leleux P., Meulders J.P., Vanhorenbeeck J., Vedrenne G., von Ballmoos P., 2000, "Neutron-induced reactions contributing to the background in gamma-ray astrophysics missions" dans "Physical Review C", vol. 61, 064615

- Diallo N., Jean P., Legrain R., Cordier B., Vedrenne G., Kandel B., Slassi-Sennou S., 1999, "Induced Radioactive ccontinuum Background in the integral spectrometer (SPI) germanium detectors" in "Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research", A455, 545

- Jean P., Hernanz M., Gómez-Gomar J., José J., 2000, "Galactic 1.275 MeV emission from ONe novae and its detectability by INTEGRAL/SPI", "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society", Vol. 319, 350

- Hernanz M., Smith D.M., Fishman J., Harmon A., Gómez-Gomar J., José J., Isern J., JeanP., 2000, "BATSE observations of classical novae" dans "Proceedings of the Fifth Compton Symposium", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 510, 82

- Jean P., Vedrenne G., Schönfelder V., Albernhe F., Borrel V., Bouchet L., Caraveo P., Connell P., Cordier B., Denis M., Cozach R., Diehl R., Durouchoux Ph., Georgii R., Juchniewicz J., von Kienlin A., Knödlseder J., Larque Th., Lavigne J.M., Leleux P., Lichti G., Lin R., Mandrou P., Matteson J., Mur M., Paul Ph.,  Roques J.P., Sanchez F., Schanne S., Shrader C., Skinner G., Slassi-Sennou S., Sturner S., Strong A., Teegarden B., von Ballmoos P., Wunderer C., 2000, "The spectrometer SPI of the INTEGRAL mission" dans "Proceedings of the Fifth Compton Symposium", AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 510, 708  


1999 :

- Isern J., Bravo E., Gómez-Gomar J., Garcia-Senz D., Jean P., 1999, "Gamma-ray spectrum of type Ia supernovae" in "Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe", Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 38, 411

- Jean P., Gómez-Gomar J., Hernanz M., José J., Isern J., Vedrenne G., Mandrou P., Schönfelder V., Lichti G. G., Georgii R., 1999, "Possibility of detection of classical novae with the shield of the INTEGRAL spectrometer SPI" in "Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe", Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 38, 421

- Jean P., Hernanz M., Gómez-Gomar J., José J., 1999, "Galactic distribution of 1.275 MeV emission from O-Ne novae" in "Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe", Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 38, 433

- Coszach R., Leleux P., Galster W., Graulich J.-S. Meulders J.-P., Duhamel P., Vanhorenbeeck J., Jean P., Vedrenne G., von Ballmoos P., 1999, "Neutron induced background in the gamma-ray lines of astrophysical interest" in "Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe", Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 39, 217

- Vedrenne G., Schönfelder V., Albernhe F., Borrel V., Bouchet L., Caraveo P., Connell P. H., Cordier B., Denis M., Coszach R., Diallo N., Diehl R., Durouchoux Ph., Georgii R., Jean P., Juchniewicz J., Kandel B., von Kienlin A., Lavigne J. M., Leleux P., Lichti G. G., Lin R., Mandrou P., Matteson J., Naya J. E., Paul Ph., Roques J. P., Sanchez F., Seifert H., Skinner G. K., Slassi S., Strong A. W., Teegarden B. G., Varendorff M., von Ballmoos P., 1999, "The INTEGRAL Spectrometer" in "Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe", Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 39, 325

- Diallo N., Cordier B., Jean P., Kandel B., Vedrenne G., 1999, "Background induced by nuclear decay in the INTEGRAL spectrometer" in "Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe", Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 39, 389

- Laporte P., Kohnle A., Abrosimov N., Bastie P., Chambellan D., Cordier B., Di Cocco G., Gizzi L., Hamelin B., Jean P., Laurent P., Paltani P., Skinner G. K., Smither R. K., von Ballmoos P., 1999, "Towards the first light for a gamma-ray lens" in "Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe", Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 39, 453  


1998 :

- Duhamel P., Galster W., Graulich J.S., Jean P., Leleux P., Meulders J.P., Vanhorenbeeck J., Vedrenne G., von Ballmoos P., 1998, "Measurement of cross sections for the 9Be(n,3n)7Be and 56Fe(n,p)56Mn reactions producing background lines in gamma-ray astrophysics" dans "Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research", A404, 143

- Gómez-Gomar J., Isern J., Jean P., 1998, "Prospects for type Ia supernova explosion mechanism identification with gamma-rays" dans "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society", 295, 1  


1997 :

- Jean P., Naya J., Ballmoos von P., Vedrenne G., Teegarden B., 1997, "Performance of an INTEGRAL spectrometer model" dans "Proceedings of the second INTEGRAL workshop", ESA publication division, SP-382, p 635

- Naya J., Jean P., Albernhe F., Barthelemy S.D., Bartlett L.M., Borrel V., Cordier B., Lavigne J.M., Leleux P., Parsons A., Teegarden B., Tueller J., Vedrenne G., Ballmoos von P., 1997, "Neutron induced activity in natural and enriched 70Ge detectors" dans "Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research", A396, p. 374

- Isern J., Gómez-Gomar J., Bravo E., Jean P., 1997, "Key features in the gamma-ray spectrum of type Ia supernovae" dans "Proceedings of the second INTEGRAL workshop", ESA publication division, SP-382, p 89

- Mandrou P., Vedrenne G., Jean P., Kandel B., Ballmoos von P., Albernhe F., Lichti G., Schönfelder V., Diehl R., Georgii R., Kirchner T., Durouchoux P., Cordier B., Diallo N., Sanchez F., Payne B., Leleux P., Caraveo P., Teegarden B., Matteson J., Slassi-Sennou S., Lin R.P., Skinner G., Connell P., 1997, "The INTEGRAL spectrometer SPI" dans "Proceedings of the second INTEGRAL workshop", ESA publication division, SP-382, p 591

- Teegarden B.J., Naya J., Seifert H., Sturner S., Vedrenne G., Mandrou P., von Ballmoos P., Roques J.P., Jean P., Albernhe F., Borrel V., Schönfelder V., Lichti G., Diehl R., Georgii R., Durouchoux P., Cordier B., Diallo N., Matteson J., Lin R., Sanchez F., Caraveo P., Leleux P., Skinner G.K., Connell P., 1997, "SPI: A High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer for INTEGRAL" dans "Proc. of the 4th Compton Symposium, Williamsburg", AIP 410, p. 1535  


1996 :

- Jean P., Naya J., Olive J.F., Ballmoos von P., 1996, "Instrument concepts for high resolution g-ray spectroscopy" dans "Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series", vol. 120, 4, p. 673

- Naya J., Jean P., Bockholt J., Ballmoos von P., Vedrenne G., Matteson J., 1996, "The neutron spectrum inside the shielding of balloon-borne Ge spectrometers" dans "Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research", A368, p. 832  


Autres Publications / Other Publications

See ADS Abstract

2011 :

– V. Beckmann, P. Jean, P. Lubinski, S. Soldi & R. Terrier, 2010, Hard X-ray emission of Cen A, 8th INTEGRAL Workshop, Conf. proceedings.

– A. Alexis, P. Jean, P. Martin, K. Ferrière, N. Guessoum & P. von Ballmoos, 2010, Modelling the spatial and spectral distributions of the annihilation emission of positrons produced by 26Al, 8th INTEGRAL Workshop, Conf. proceedings

2010 :

– E.E. Bellm, J-L. Chiu, S.E. Boggs, H-K. Chang, Y-H, Chang, M. A. Huang, M. Amman, M.S. Bandstra, W-C.
Hung, P. Jean, J-S. Liang, C-H. Lin, Z-K. Liu, P.N. Luke, D. Perez-Becker, R-S. Run & A. Zoglauer, 2010, The 2010 balloon campaign of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010 : Ultraviolet to Gamma-ray, SPIE Conf. proceedings, 7732, 24

– Z-K. Liu, Y-H, Chang, W-C. Hung, S.E. Boggs, M.S. Bandstra, E.E. Bellm, D. Perez-Becker, C. Wunderer, A. Zoglauer, M. Amman, P.N. Luke, H-K. Chang, J-L. Chiu, J-S. Liang, C-H. Lin, M. A. Huang, R-S. Run, S-J. Chiang & P. Jean, 2010, Overview of the Nuclear Compton Telescope (NCT), Astroparticle, particle and space physics, detectors and medical physics applications 11th Conf. proceedings, 785

2009 :

- P. Jean, 2009, Overview of the 511 keV diffuse emission, Proceedings of The Extreme sky : Sampling the Universe above 10 keV, p. 72

2008 :

- F. Senziani, G.K. Skinner, P. Jean & M. Hernanz, 2008, Results from Swift/BAT searches for prompt gamma-ray emission from RS Ophiuchi and other novae, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Conference Proceedings, 401, 323

- G.K. Skinner, F. Senziani, P. Jean & M. Hernanz, 2008, The use of the BAT instrument on Swift for the detection of prompt gamma-ray emission from novae, Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Conference Proceedings, 401, 318

- G. Weidenspointner, G.K. Skinner, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, P. von Ballmoos, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, B. Cordier, S. Schanne & Ch. Winkler, 2008, Positron astronomy with SPI/INTEGRAL, New Astronomy Reviews, 52, 454

– G.K. Skinner, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, P. von Ballmoos & G. Weidenspointner, 2008, Investigation into the origin of the Galactic 511 keV emission with INTEGRAL/SPI, 7th INTEGRAL workshop Conference Proceedings, 48

2007 :

– J. Knödlseder, G. Weidenspointner, P. Jean, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, H. Halloin, B. Cordier, S. Schanne, & Ch. Winkler, 2007, Imaging the gamma-ray sky with SPI aboard INTEGRAL, 6th INTEGRAL workshop Conference Proceedings, ESA publication, SP-622, 13

– G. Weidenspointner, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, G.K. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, , J.P. Roques, G. Vedrenne, P. Milne, B.J. Teegarden, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, S. Schanne, B. Cordier & Ch. Winkler, 2007, The sky distribution of 511 keV positron annihilation line emission as measured with INTEGRAL/SPI, 6th INTEGRAL workshop Conference Proceedings, ESA publication, SP-622, 25

– P. Jean, G. Weidenspointner, J. Knödlseder, G.K. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, , J.P. Roques, G. Vedrenne, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, B. Cordier, S. Schanne, B.J. Teegarden & Ch. Winkler, 2007, Spectral analysis of the Galactic positron annihilation emission, 6th INTEGRAL workshop Conference Proceedings, ESA publication, SP-622, 33

– N. Guessoum, P. Jean & N. Prantzos, 2007, Microquasars contribution to the galactic positron annihilation radiation, 6th INTEGRAL workshop Conference Proceedings, ESA publication, SP-622, 49

– P. Jean, N. Guessoum & N. Prantzos, 2007, Positron annihilation fluxes, light curves and spectra from misaligned microquasars, 6th INTEGRAL workshop Conference Proceedings, ESA publication, SP-622, 57

– W. Gillard, P. Jean, A. Marcowith & K. Ferrière, 2007, Transport of positrons in the Interstellar medium, 6th INTEGRAL workshop Conference Proceedings, ESA publication, SP-622, 65

- R. Diehl, H. Halloin, K. Kretschmer, G.G. Lichti, V. Schönfelder, A.W. Strong, A. von Kienlin, W. Wang, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, J.P. Roques, G. Weidenspointner, S. Schanne, Ch. Winkler & C. Wunderer, 2007, 26Al gamma-ray line observations of the Galaxy, 6th INTEGRAL workshop Conference Proceedings, ESA publication, SP-622, 71

- W. Gillard, V. Lonjou, K. Ferrière, P. Jean, I.V. Moskalenko & A.W. Strong, 2007, Effect of the gas content on the gamma-ray emission from the Galactic bulge, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 921, 482

- J. Knödlseder, V. Lonjou, G. Weidenspointner, P. Jean, A.W. Strong, R. Diehl, B. Cordier, S. Schanne & Ch. Winkler, 2007, Soft gamma-ray galactic ridge emission as unveiled by SPI onboard INTEGRAL, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 921, 130

2006 :

-  G. Weidenspointner, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, G.K. Skinner, von Ballmoos, J.P. Roques, G. Vedrenne, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, S. Schanne, B. Cordier & Ch. Winkler, 2006, New clues on the origin of Galactic positrons, SF2A Conference 2004, 98

- , P. Jean, G. Weidenspointner, J. Knödlseder, G.K Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, J.P. Roques, G. Vedrenne, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, B. Cordier, S. Schanne, B.J. Teegarden & Ch. Winkler, 2006, Spectral analysis of the Galactic positron annihilation emission, Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 2-8 July 2006, Moscow, ESA SP-622, 33

- , P. Jean, N. Guessoum & N. Prantzos, 2006, Positron annihilation fluxes, light curves and spectra from misaligned microquasars, Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 2-8 July 2006, Moscow, ESA SP-622, 57


- N. Guessoum, P. Jean & N. Prantzos, 2006, Microquasars’ contribution to the Galactic positron annihilation radiation, Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 2-8 July 2006, Moscow, ESA SP-622, 49


- W. Gillard, P. Jean A. Marcowith & K. Ferrière, 2006, Transport of positrons in the interstellar medium, Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 2-8 July 2006, Moscow, ESA SP-622, 65

- R. Diehl, H. Halloin, G.G. Lichti, V. Schönfelder, A.W. Strong, A. von Kienlin, W. Wang, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, J.P. Roques, G. Weidenspointner, S. Schanne, C. Winkler & C. Wunderer, 2006, 26Al gamma-ray line observations of the Galaxy, Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 2-8 July 2006, Moscow, ESA SP-622, 71

- G. Weidenspointner, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, G.K Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, J.P. Roques, G. Vedrenne, P. Milne, B.J. Teegarden, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, S. Schanne, B. Cordier & C. Winkler, 2006, The sky distribution of 511 keV positron annihilation line emission as measured with INTEGRAL SPI, Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 2-8 July 2006, Moscow, ESA SP-622, 25

- J. Knödlseder, Weidenspointner, P. Jean, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, H. Halloin, B. Cordier, S. Schanne & C. Winkler, 2006, Imaging the Gamma-ray sky with SPI aboard INTEGRAL, Proc. 6th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 2-8 July 2006, Moscow, ESA SP-622, 13

- J.D. Bowen, M.E. Banstra, S.E. Boggs, W. Coburn, C.B. Wunderer, R.P. Lin, M. Amman, P.N. Luke, M.T. Burks, W. Craig, N.W. Madden, D.M. Smith, P. von Ballmoos & P. Jean, 2006, Pre-flight calibration of the prototype Nuclear Compton Telescope, Proceedings of the SPIE, 6266, 626625


- N. Guessoum, P. Jean & W. Gillard, 2006, Relevance of slow positron beam research to astrophysical studies of positron interactions and annihilation in the interstellar medium, Applied Surface Science, v. 252, special issue 9, 3352



2005 :


- P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, J. Knödlseder, V. Lonjou, G. Weidenspointner, G.K. Skinner, N. Guessoum, J.P. Roques, V. Schönfelder & Ch. Winkler, 2005, Observation of the Galactic positron-electron annihilation emission, Procedings of the 5th Rencontres du Vietnam 2004 "New views on the Universe", Ed. L. Celnikier, Y. Giraud-Héraud, J. Trân Thanh Vân, 115


- G. Weidenspointner, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, V. Lonjou, P. von Ballmoos, W. Gillard, M.J. Harris, A. Marcowith, G.K. Skinner, G. Vedrenne, C. Shrader, B.J. Teegarden, N. Guessoum, R. Diehl, V. Schönfelder, S. Schanne & Ch. Winkler, 2005, A mystery of the Galactic bulge : SPI observations of positron annihilation, Procedings of the SF2A meetong held in Strasbourg France, Ed. F. Casoli, T. Contini, J.M. Hameury & L. Pagani, EdP-Sciences, Conference Series, 471


- W. Coburn, S.E. Boggs, J.D. Bowen, M.E. Banstra, M. Amman, M.T. Burks, W. Craig, P. Jean, R.P. Lin, P.N. Luke, N.W. Madden, D.M. Smith & P. von Ballmoos, 2005, First results from the balloon flight of the NCT prototype, Proceedings of the SPIE, 5898, 13-21



2004 :


- G. Weidenspointner, V. Lonjou, J. Knoedlseder, P. Jean, M. Allain, P. von Ballmoos, M. Harris, G. Vedrenne, B.J. Teegarden, N. Gehrels, N. Guessoum, V. Schoenfelder, C. Chapuis, Ph. Durouchoux, E. Cisana & M. Valesia, 2004, The first year of INTEGRAL/SPI : status of the 511 keV positron annihilation line observations, SF2A Conference 2004, 98


- R. Diehl, K. Kretschmer, G. Lichti, V. Schönfelder, A.W. Strong, A. von Kienlin, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, V. Lonjou, G. Weidenspointner, J.P. Roques, G. Vedrenne, S. Schanne, N. Mowlavi, Ch. Winkler & C. Wunderer, 2004, 26Al studies with INTEGRAL’s spectrometer SPI, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 27


- J. Knödlseder, M. Valsesia, M. Allain, S. Boggs, R. Diehl, P. Jean, K. Kretschmer, J.P. Roques, V. Schönfelder, G. Vedrenne, P. von Ballmoos, G. Weidenspointner & Ch. Winkler, 2004, SPI/INTEGRAL observation of the 1809 keV gamma-ray line emission from the Cygnus X region, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 33


- P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, J. Knödlseder, V. Lonjou, G. Weidenspointner, G.K. Sinner, M. Allain, E. Cisana, M. Valsesia, N. Guessoum, R. Diehl, A.W. Strong, M. Cassé, G. Vedrenne, V. Schönfelder & Ch. Winkler, 2004, Status of the 511 keV line from the Galactic Centre region, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 51


- N. Guessoum, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, V. Lonjou, P. von Ballmoos & G. Weidenspointner, 2004, Modeling the early annihilation radiation spectrum from INTEGRAL/SPI, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 57


- D. Maurin, S. Schanne, P. Sizun, D. Attié, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, M. Gros, P. Jean, A. von Kienlin & J.Knödlseder, 2004, Search for 26Al emission in the Vela region with INTEGRAL/SPI, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 107


- P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, M. Hernanz, E. Cisana, M. Valsesia, A. von Kienlin, P. Leleux, A.W. Strong, Ch. Winkler & C. Wunderer, 2004, Search for 1275 keV line emission with SPI/INTEGRAL, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 119


- J. Knödlseder, E. Cisana, R. Diehl, G. Lichti, M. Harris, P. Jean, K. Kretschmer, A. von Kienlin, J.P. Roques, S. Schanne, V. Schönfelder, G. Vedrenne, G. Weidenspointner & C. Wunderer, 2004, Search for gamma-ray line emission from the radioactive decay of 60Fe with SPI, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 123


- V. Lonjou, G. Weidenspointner, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, M. Allain, P. von Ballmoos, M.J. Harris, J.P. Roques, G.K. Skinner, B.J. Teegarden, N. Gehrels, N. Guessoum, C. Chapuis, Ph. Durouchoux, E. Cisana & M. Valesia, 2004, SPI observations of positron annihilation radiation from the 4th galactic quadrant : spectroscopy, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 129


- G. Weidenspointner, V. Lonjou, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, M. Allain, P. von Ballmoos, M.J. Harris, G.K. Skinner, G. Vedrenne, B.J. Teegarden, N. Gehrels, N. Guessoum, V. Schönfelder, C. Chapuis, Ph. Durouchoux, E. Cisana & M. Valesia, 2004, SPI observations of positron annihilation radiation from the 4th galactic quadrant : sky distribution, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 133


- L. Bouchet, E. Jourdain, J.P. Roques, P. Mandrou, P. Jean, G.K. Skinner, G. Vedrenne, R. Diehl, V. Schönfelder, A.W. Strong, B. Cordier, Ph. Durouchoux, P. Caraveo, S. Boggs, C. Wunderer & P. Leleux, 2004, The SPI/INTEGRAL survey of the galactic plane after one year, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 147


- B. Cordier, D. Attié, M. Cassé, J. Paul, S. Schanne, P. Sizun, P. Jean, J.P. Roques & G. Vedrenne, 2004, Search for a light dark matter annihilation signal in the Sagittarius dwarf Galaxy, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 581


- V. Lonjou, J. Knödlseder, J.P. Roques, G.K. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, P. Jean, Ph. Paul, G. Weidenspointner, C. Wunderer & S. Schanne, 2004, SPI energy calibration, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 713


- H. Halloin, P. von Ballmoos, J. Evrard, G.K. Skinner, J.M. Alvarez, M. Hernanz, N. Abrosimov, P. Bastie, B. Hamelin, P. Jean,, J. Knödlseder, R.K. Smither & G. Vedrenne, 2004, Gamma-ray astronomy starts to see CLAIRE : First light for a crystal diffraction telescope, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 739


- P. von Ballmoos, H. Halloin, J. Paul, N. Abrosimov, K. Andersen, P. Astier, S. Basa, D. Barret, P. Bastie, A. Bazzano, G. Bignami, A. Blanchard, B. Cordier, T. Courvoisier, P. Courtois, A. Ealet, B. Hamelin, M. Harris, M. Hernanz, J. Isern, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, Ph. Laurent, F. Lebrun, X. Leyre, O. Limousin, A. Marcowith, V. Martinot, A. Mazure, L. Natalucci, J.F. Olive, R. Pain, S. Paltani, N. Prantzos, H. Riemann, R. Sadat, H. Sainct, G.K. Skinner, R.K. Smither, P. Ubertini, G. Vedrenne & G. Weidenspointner, 2004, The MAX mission : Focusing on high-sensitivity gamma-ray spectroscopy, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 747


- J.M. Alvarez, H. Halloin, M. Hernanz, P. von Ballmoos, P. Jean, G.K. Skinner, N. Abrosimov, R.K. Smither & G. Vedrenne, 2004, Long distance test of the CLAIRE gamma-ray lens, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 757


- B.J. Teegarden, P. Jean, G. Weidenspointner, J. Knödlseder, G.K. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, C. Schrader, S. Sturner & K. Watanabe, 2004, Characterization and prediction of the SPI background, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 819


- E. Kalemci, S. Boggs, C. Wunderer & P. Jean, 2004, Background in the multiple events (ME) of INTEGRAL/SPI, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 855


- E. Kalemci, S. Boggs, C. Wunderer & P. Jean, 2004, Measuring polarization with SPI on INTEGRAL, Proc. 5th INTEGRAL Science Workshop, 16-20 February 2004, Munich, ESA SP-552, 859


- W. Coburn, J.D. Bowen, S.E. Boggs, C.B. Wunderer, R.P. Lin, M.S. Amman, P.N. Luke, M.T. Burks, W. Craig, N.W. Madden, K., Ziock, D.M. Smith, P. von Ballmoos & P. Jean, 2004, Systems overview of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 205, vol 36, 929


- J.D. Bowen, S.E. Boggs, W. Coburn, C.B. Wunderer, R.P. Lin, M.S. Amman, P.N. Luke, M.T. Burks, W. Craig, N.W. Madden, K., Ziock, D.M. Smith, P. von Ballmoos & P. Jean, 2004, Calibration of the Nuclear Compton Telescope prototype flight instrument, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 205, vol 36, 930


- B. Teegarden, E. Cisana, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, M. Harris, P. Jean, V. Lonjou, J. Knödlseder, K. Kretschmer, G. Lichti, J.P. Roques, S. Schanne, V. Schönfelder, G.K. Skinner, A. Strong, M. Valesia, P. von Ballmoos, A. von Kienlin, & G. Weidenspointner, 2004, An overview of gamma-ray line results from the INTEGRAL Spectrometer (SPI), American Astronomical Society Meeting, 205, vol 36, 949


- M.J. Harris, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, E. Cisana, G. Lichti, R. Diehl, K. Kretschmer, A. von Kienlin, J.P. Roques, S. Schanne, G. Weidenspointner & C. Wunderer, 2004, Preliminary results of INTEGRAL/SPI measurements of radioactive 60Fe in the Galaxy, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 205, vol 36, 950


- G. Weidenspointner, V. Lonjou, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, M. Allain, P. von Ballmoos, M.J. Harris, G.K. Skinner, G. Vedrenne, B.J. Teegarden, N. Gehrels, N. Guessoum, V. Schönfelder, C. Chapuis, Ph. Durouchoux, E. Cisana & M. Valesia, 2004, Galactic positron annihilation radiation as observed with INTEGRAL/SPI, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 205, vol 36, 966


- B.J. Teegarden, K. Watanabe, J. Knödlseder, P. Jean, V. Lonjou, G. Weidenspointner, G.K. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, G. Vedrenne, J.P. Roques, S. Schanne & V. Schönfelder, 2004, INTEGRAL/SPI observations of electron-positron annihilation radiation from our Galaxy, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 205, vol 36, 1482


- N. Guessoum & P. Jean, 2004, Detecting 2.223 MeV line emission from X-ray binaries with INTEGRAL, Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements, vol. 132, 396


- P. von Ballmoos, H. Halloin, G.K. Skinner, R.K. Smither, J. Paul, N. Abrosimov, J. Alvarez, P. Astier, P. Bastie, D. Barret, A. Bazzano, A. Boutonnet, P. Brousse, B. Cordier, Th. Courvoisier, G. Di Cocco, A. Giuliani, B. Hamelin, M. Hernanz, P. Jean, J. Isern, J. Knödlseder, Ph. Laurent, F. Lebrun, A. Marcowith, V. Martinot, L. Natalucci, J.F. Olive, R. Pain, R. Satat, H. Sainct, P. Ubertini & G. Vedrenne, 2004, MAX : a gamma-ray lens for nuclear astrophysics, SPIE, 5168, 482


- W. Coburn, S.E. Boggs, J.M. Kregenow, J.D. Bowen, M.S. Amman, M.T. Burks, W. Craig, P. Jean, R.P. Lin, P.N. Luke, N.W. Madden, D.M. Smith, P. von Ballmoos & K. Ziock,, 2004, Preliminary laboratory performance of the NCT prototype flight electronics, , SPIE, 5168, 131


- H. Halloin, P. von Ballmoos, J. Evrard, G.K. Skinner, M. Hernanz, N. Abrosimov, P. Bastie, B. Hamelin, V. Lonjou, J.M. Avarez, A. Laurens, P. Jean, J. Knoödlseder, R.K. Smither & G. Vedrenne, 2004, CLAIRE gamma-ray lens: flight and long-distance test results, SPIE, 5168, 471


- S.E. Boggs, W. Coburn, D.M. Smith, J.D. Bowen, P. Jean, J.M. Kregenow, R.P. Lin, P. von Ballmoos, 2004, Overview of the nuclear Compton telescope, New Astronomy Review, 48, 251


- P. von Ballmoos, H. Halloin, J. Evrard, G.K. Skinner, N. Abrosimov, J. Alvarez, P. Bastie, B. Hamelin, M. Hernanz, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, V. Lonjou, R. Smither & G. Vedrenne, 2004, CLAIRE’s first light, New Astronomy Review, 48, 243


- J. Knödlseder, M. Valesia, M. Allain, S. Boggs, R. Diehl, P. Jean, K. Kretschmer, J.P. Roques, V. Schoenfelder, G. Vedrenne, P. von Ballmoos, G. Weidenspointner & C. Winckler, 2004, SPI/INTEGRAL observation of 1809 keV gamma-ray line emission from the Cygnus X region, SF2A Conférence 2004, 76



2003 :


- J. Kregenow, S.E. Boggs, W. Coburn, R.P. Lin, D.M. Smith, M.S. Amman, M. Burks, P.N. Luke, N.W. Madden, P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, W. Craig & K. Ziock, 2003, The flight of the prototype Nuclear Compton Telescope Ge detectors, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 202, vol 35, 704


- C.B. Wunderer, G. Weidenspointner, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, P. Jean, A. von Kienlin, J. Knödlseder, P. Leleux, G. Lichti, J.P. Roques, S. Schanne, V. Schönfelder, C. Schrader, G.K. Skinner, A. Strong, S. Sturner, B.J. Teegarden & G. Vedrenne, 2003, First look at gamma-ray background lines in the SPI Ge detector spectra, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 202, vol 35, 609


- B.J. Teegarden, P. Jean, G.K. Skinner, G. Weidenspointner, D. Attié, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, J. Knödlseder, S. Schanne, C. Schrader & S. Sturner, 2003, First look at gamma-ray background lines in the SPI Ge detector spectra, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 202, vol 35, 609


- S.J. Sturner, G. Weidenspointner, C. Schrader, B. Teegarden, D. Attié, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, P. Jean, P. Paul, S. Schanne, G.K. Skinner & C. Wunderer, 2003, Simulations of the INTEGRAL/SPI Calibration and generation of instrument response matrix, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 202, vol 35, 609


- S.E. Boggs, W. Coburn, R.P. Lin, D.M. Smith, M.S. Amman, P.N. Luke, P. Jean, P. von Ballmoos, M. Burks, W. Craig, N.W. Madden & K. Ziock, 2003, Upcoming balloon flight of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, American Astronomical Society Meeting, 202, vol 35, 650


- C. Wunderer, A. Strong, D. Attie, P. von Ballmoos, P. Connell, B. Cordier, R. Diehl, W. Hammer, P. Jean & A. von Kienlin, 2003, Imaging with the coded aperture gamma-ray spectrometer SPI onboard INTEGRAL, SPIE, 4851, 1269


- S.E. Boggs, M.S. Amman, P. Jean, S. Amrose, W. Coburn, R.P. Lin, D.M. Smith, P.N. Luke, N.W. Madden & M. Burks, 2003, Upcoming balloon flight of the Nuclear Compton Telescope, SPIE, 4851, 1221


- S. Schanne, B. Cordier, M. Gros, D. Attie, P. von Ballmoos, L. Bouchet, R. Carli, P. Connett, R. Diehl, P. Jean, J. Kiener, A. von Kienlin, J. Knoedlseder, Ph. Laurent, G.G. Lichti, P. Mandrou, J. Paul, J.P. Roques, F. Sanchez, V. Schoenfelder, C. Schrader, G.K. Skinner, A.W. Strong, S.J. Sturner, V. Tatischeff, B.J. Teegarden, G. Vedrenne, G. Weidenspointner & C.B. Wunderer, 2003, Calibration of the spectrometer aboard the INTEGRAL satellite, SPIE, 4851, 1132


- H. Halloin, P. von Ballmoos, J. Evrard, G.K. Skinner, N.V. Abrosimov, P. Bastie, G. Di Cocco, M. George, B. Hamelin, P. Jean, J. Knoedlseder, Ph. Laporte, C. Badenes, Ph. Laurent & R.K. Smither, 2003, Design and performance of a crystal diffraction telescope, SPIE, 4851, 895



2002 :


- M. Boer, A. Acker, J.L. Attiea, G. Buchholtz, F. Colas, M. Deleuil, M. Dennefeld, J.M. Desert, N. Dolez, J. Eysseric, R. Ferlet, M. Ferrari, P. Jean, A. Klotz, D. Kouach, A. Lecavelier Des Etangs, G. Lemaitre, A. Marcowith, J.B. Marquette, R. Mochkovitch, R. Pain, L. Pares, H. Pinna, R. Pinna, L. Provost, S. Roques, J. Schneider, J.P. Sivan, C. Soubiran, C. Thiebaut, G. Vauclair, R. Verchere & A. Vidal-Madjar, 2002, ARAGO : a robotic observatory for the variable sky, SPIE, 4836, p. 138


- G. Weidenspointner, M. Harris, P. Jean & N. Diallo, 2002, Instrumental lines of astrophysical relevance in TGRS and SPI, New Astron. Review, 46, 625


- M. Hernanz, P. Jean, J. José, A. Coc, S. Starrfield, J. Truran, J. Isern, S. Gloria & A. Giménez, 2002, Future INTEGRAL observation of classical novae, AIP Conference, 637, 435


- P. Jean, M. Hernanz & J. José, 2002, The diffuse 1.275 MeV emission from Galactic ONe novae, AIP Conference, 637, 430


- P. Jean & N. Guessoum, 2002, The flux of the 2.22 MeV gamma-ray line from nearby X-ray binaries, Proceeding of the Moriond Conference "The Gamma-Ray Universe", Ed. A. Goldwurm, D.N. Neumann, J. Trân Tanh Vân, 525


2001 :

- P. von Ballmoos, J. Evrard, G.K. Skinner, N. Abrosimov, P. Bastie, G. Di Cocco, M. George, H. Halloin, B. Hamelin, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, Ph. Laporte, Ph. Laurent & R.K. Smither, 2001, The first flight of a gamma-ray lens, Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL workshop 4-8 September 2000, Alicante (Spain), ESA-SP 459, 649

- S. E. Boggs, R.P. Lin, B.R. Dennis, N.W. Madden, P. von Ballmoos, K. Thomsen, G.J. Hurford, K.C. Hurley, D.M. Smith, R.M. Millan, P. Jean & J. Knödlseder, 2001, Overview of the Cyclone Hard X-ray Observatory, Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL workshop 4-8 September 2000, Alicante (Spain), ESA-SP 459, 541


- S. E. Boggs & P. Jean, 2001, Simulated Performance of a Germanium Compton Telescope, Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL workshop 4-8 September 2000, Alicante (Spain), ESA-SP 459, 537.


- P. Jean, J. Knödlseder, P. von Ballmoos, J. Gómez-Gomar, M. Hernanz & J. José, 2001, Upper-limits of the 22Na yield from O-Ne Nova, Proceedings of the Fourth INTEGRAL workshop 4-8 September 2000, Alicante (Spain), ESA-SP 459, 73.


- P. von Ballmoos, J. Evrard, G.K. Skinner, N. Abrosimov, P. Bastie, G. Di Cocco, M. George, H. Halloin, B. Hamelin, P. Jean, Ph. Laporte, Ph. Laurent & R.K. Smither, 2001, The first flight of a gamma-ray lens, European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research, Biarritz, ESA publication division, SP-471, 453


- S.E. Boggs, P. Jean, R.P. Lin, D.M. Smith, P. von Ballmoos, N.W. Madden, P.N. Luke, M. Amman, M.T. Burks, E.L. Hull, W. Craig & K. Ziock, 2001, The Nuclear Compton Telescope : A balloon-borne soft gamma-ray spectrometer polarimeter and imager, Proceedings of Gamma-Ray Astrophysics 2001 ed. S. Ritz, N. Gehrels, and C. R. Shrader, AIP Conf. Proc. 587, p. 877


- N. Guessoum & P. Jean, 2001, Can INTEGRAL Detect 2.223 MeV Radiation from X-Ray Binary Sources?, Proceedings of Gamma-Ray Astrophysics 2001 ed. S. Ritz, N. Gehrels, and C. R. Shrader, AIP Conf. Proc. 587, p. 86-90



2000 :


- S. E. Boggs, R.P. Lin, B.R. Dennis, N.W. Madden, P. von Ballmoos, K. Thomsen, G.J. Hurford, K.C. Hurley, D.M. Smith, P. Jean, J. Knödlseder & R.M. Millan,, 2000, Cyclone Hard X-ray Observatory, SPIE, 4140, p 166


- S. E. Boggs, R.P. Lin, B.R. Dennis, P. von Ballmoos, K. Thomsen, G.J. Hurford, K.C. Hurley, N.W. Madden, D.M. Smith, P. Jean & J. Knödlseder,, 2000, Cyclone, the cyclotron/nuclear explorer, American Astronomical Society Meeting, vol 32, p 1262


- P. Jean, G. Vedrenne, V. Schönfelder, F. Albernhe, V. Borrel, L. Bouchet, P. Caraveo, P. Connell, B. Cordier, M. Denis, R. Cozach, R. Diehl, Ph. Durouchoux, R. Georgii, J. Juchniewicz, A. von Kienlin, J. Knödlseder, Th. Larque, J.M. Lavigne, P. Leleux, G. Lichti, R. Lin, P. Mandrou, J. Matteson, M. Mur, Ph. Paul, J.P. Roques, F. Sanchez, S. Schanne, C. Shrader, G.K. Skinner, S. Slassi-Sennou, S. Sturner, A. Strong, B. Teegarden, P. von Ballmoos & C. Wunderer, 2000, The spectrometer SPI of the INTEGRAL mission, Proceedings of the Fifth Compton Symposium, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 510, 708


- M. Hernanz, D.M. Smith, J. Fishman, A. Harmon, J. Gómez-Gomar, J. José, Isern J. & P. Jean, 2000, BATSE observations of classical novae, Proceedings of the Fifth Compton Symposium, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 510, 82



1999 :


- G. Vedrenne, P. Jean, B. Kandel, F. Albernhe, V. Borrel, J.P. Roques, P. von Ballmoos, Ph. Durouchoux, B. Cordier, N. Diallo, V. Schönfelder, G.G. Lichti, R. Diehl, M. Varendorff, A.W. Strong, R. Georgii, B.J. Teegarden, J.E. Naya, H. Seifert, S. Sturner, J. Matteson, R. Lin, S. Slassi, F. Sanchez, P. Caraveo, P. Leleux, G.K. Skinner & P.H. Connell,, 1999, The SPI spectrometer for the INTEGRAL mission, Memorie della Societa Astronomia Italiana, vol. 70, p 1289


- Ph. Laporte, A. Kohnle, N. Abrosimov, P. Bastie, D. Chambellan, B. Cordier, G. Di Cocco, L. Gizzi, B. Hamelin, P. Jean, Ph. Laurent, P. Paltani, G.K. Skinner, R.K. Smither & P. von Ballmoos, 1999, Towards the first light for a gamma-ray lens, Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe, Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 39, 453


- N. Diallo, B. Cordier, P. Jean, B. Kandel & G. Vedrenne, 1999, Background induced by nuclear decay in the INTEGRAL spectrometer, Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe, Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 39, 389


- G. Vedrenne, V. Schönfelder, F. Albernhe, V. Borrel, L. Bouchet, P. Caraveo, P.H. Connell, B. Cordier, M. Denis, R. Coszach, N. Diallo, R. Diehl, Ph. Durouchoux, R. Georgii, P. Jean, J. Juchniewicz, B. Kandel, A. von Kienlin, J.M. Lavigne, P. Leleux, G.G. Lichti, R. Lin, P. Mandrou, J. Matteson, J.E. Naya., Ph. Paul, J.P. Roques, F. Sanchez, H. Seifert, G.K. Skinner, S. Slassi, A.W. Strong, B.G. Teegarden, M. Varendorff & P. von Ballmoos, 1999, The INTEGRAL Spectrometer, Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe, Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 39, 325


- R. Coszach, P. Leleux, W. Galster, J.-S. Graulich, J.-P. Meulders, P. Duhamel, J. Vanhorenbeeck, P. Jean, G. Vedrenne & P. von Ballmoos, 1999, Neutron induced background in the gamma-ray lines of astrophysical interest, Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe, Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 39, 217


- P. Jean, M. Hernanz, J. Gómez-Gomar & J. José, 1999, Galactic distribution of 1.275 MeV emission from O-Ne novae, Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe, Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 38, 433


- P. Jean, J. Gómez-Gomar, M. Hernanz, J. José, J. Isern, G. Vedrenne, P. Mandrou, V. Schönfelder, G.G. Lichti & R. Georgii, 1999, Possibility of detection of classical novae with the shield of the INTEGRAL spectrometer SPI, Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe, Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 38, 421


- J. Isern, E. Bravo, J. Gómez-Gomar, D. Garcia-Senz & P. Jean, 1999, Gamma-ray spectrum of type Ia supernovae, Proceedings of the Third INTEGRAL workshop - The Extreme Universe, Astrophysical Letters and Communications, Vol. 38, 411


1998 :

- Lavigne J.M., Jean P., Kandel B., Borrel V., Roques J.P., Lichti G., Schönfelder V., Diehl R., Georgii R., Kirchner T., Durouchoux P., Cordier B., Diallo N., Sanchez F., Payne B., Leleux P., Caraveo P., Teegarden B., Matteson J., Slassi-Sennou S., Skinner G., Connell P., 1998, "The INTEGRAL experiment" dans "Proceedings of the European Cosmic-Ray Conference", Nuclear Physics B, 60B

- Vedrenne G., Jean P., Kandel B., Albernhe F., Borrel V., Mandrou P., Roques J.P., von Ballmoos P., Durouchoux P., Cordier B., Diallo N., Schönfelder V., Lichti G., Diehl R., Varendorff M., Strong A.W., Georgii R., Teegarden B.J., Naya J., Seifert H., Sturner S., Matteson J., Lin R., Slassi S., Sanchez F., Caraveo P., Leleux P., Skinner G., Connell P., 1998, "The SPI spectrometer for the INTEGRAL mission" dans "Proc. of the Nordic Symposium in theoritical high energy astrophysics: use of the spectrum X-gamma and INTEGRAL missions", Physica Scripta, Vol. T77, 35-38  

1997 :

- Vedrenne G., Jean P., Kandel B., Albernhe F., Borrel V., Mandrou P., Roques J.P., von Ballmoos P., Durouchoux P., Cordier B., Diallo N., Schönfelder V., Lichti G., Diehl R., Varendorff M., Strong A.W., Georgii R., Teegarden B.J., Naya J., Seifert H., Sturner S., Matteson J., Lin R., Slassi S., Sanchez F., Caraveo P., Leleux P., Skinner G., Connell P., 1997, "The SPI spectrometer for the INTEGRAL mission" dans "Proc. of the Frascati Workshop 97 on multifrequency behaviour of High Energy Cosmic Sources", Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, Eds. Giovannelli F. et Sabau-Graziati L.  

1996 :

- Jean P., Naya J., Ballmoos von P., Teegarden B., Vedrenne G., 1996, "The performance of an advanced Ge-spectrometer for nuclear astrophysics" dans "Gamma-ray and Cosmic-Ray Detectors, Techniques and Missions", B.D. Ramsey and T.A. Parnell, Proc. SPIE, vol. 2806, p. 457

- Boggs S.E., Lin R.P., Slassi-Sennou S., Pelling M., Coburn W., Madden N., Ballmoos von P., Vedrenne G., Jean P., 1996, "Observation of GROJ1655-40 (Nova Scorpii) with the High Resolution Gamma-ray and Hard X-Ray Spectrometer (HIREGS)" communication au "High Energy Astrophysics Division Meeting", à San-Diego le 29 avril-4 mai 1996

- Naya J., Jean P., Gehrels N., Slassi-Sennou S., Teegarden B., Tueller J., Vedrenne G., Ballmoos von P., 1996, "Gamma-ray background lines in balloon and satellite Ge spectrometer" dans "Gamma-ray and Cosmic-Ray Detectors, Techniques and Missions", B.D. Ramsey and T.A. Parnell, Proc. SPIE, vol. 2806, p. 472

- Georgii R., Lichti G., Kirchner T., Schönfelder V., Ballmoos von P., Jean P., Mandrou P., Naya J., Vedrenne G., Cordier B., Diallo N., 1996, "Optimization of the anticoincidence veto shield for the INTEGRAL spectrometer with Monte Carlo simulations" dans "Gamma-ray and Cosmic-Ray Detectors, Techniques and Missions", B.D. Ramsey and T.A. Parnell, Proc. SPIE, vol. 2806, p. 234

- Lichti G., Schönfelder V., Diehl R., Georgii R., Kirchner T., Vedrenne G., Mandrou P., Ballmoos von P., Jean P., Albernhe F., Durouchoux P., Cordier B., Diallo N., Sanchez F., Leleux P., Caraveo P., Teegarden B., Matteson J., Lin R.P., Skinner G.K., Connell P., 1996, "The spectrometer SPI of the INTEGRAL mission" dans "Gamma-ray and Cosmic-Ray Detectors, Techniques and Missions", B.D. Ramsey and T.A. Parnell, Proc. SPIE, vol. 2806, p. 217

- Jean P., 1996, "Etudes et modélisation de spectromètres gamma pour l’astrophysique nucléaire", Thèse de l’Université Paul Sabatier, n° d’ordre : 2564  

1995 :

- Naya J., Jean P., Ballmoos von P., Albernhe F., Bockholt J., 1995, "The neutron spectrum inside the shielding of balloon-borne Ge spectrometers" dans "Experimental Astronomy", Imaging in High Energy Astronomy, édition L. Bassani et G. di Cocco, p. 357




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