SPI background characteristics

see also Jean et al., 2003, accepted in A&A Letters - special INTEGRAL

Fig: Average SPI background spectrum. Single detector event (SE+PE) and double detector event ME2 spectra are presented separately.

Fig: SPI background spectra of Ge detector events in anticoincidence with an event in the ACS ("ACS on") and in coincidence with an event in the ACS ("vetoed only").

Fig: Spectrum before and during the end of revolution. ACS rate as a function of time is also shown.

Fig: Spectrum before and at the maximum GeD rate during the solar flare of november 9., 2002. ACS and Ge detector rates as a function of time are also shown.

Variation of the background rate across the detector plane

Distribution of the massique rate of single detector events (c/s/g) using empty field data.

IBIS is on the left side.

Fig: 20keV-8000keV

Fig: 25keV "line"

Fig: 228keV continuum

Fig: 511keV line

Fig: 2223keV line

Fig: 5750keV continuum