The ESTER Workshop

Dates: 10, 11 and 12 June 2014

Place : the Council Room of ENSEEIHT

2 Rue Charles Camichel, Toulouse, France

The ESTER workshop is devoted to stellar codes with focus on structure and evolution, atmospheres and seismology, in 1D or multi-D. This meeting will conclude the ESTER project that has led to the (public domain) ESTER code of which you may have heard. This code allows (at the moment) the computation of early-type main sequence stellar model at any rotation rate in two dimensions, including self-consistently the mean-field hydrodynamics.

This workshop will gather specialists of stellar physics who have dealt with the construction or the improvement of stellar evolution, seismic or atmospheric codes in order to have fruitful discussions on the ways difficulties (of numerical or physical origin) might be circumvented. Questions about the way such and such phenomenon is represented in the models are numerous but numerical issues are also quite common, usually arising as a lack of convergence of the algorithm. The focus of the workshop will be (broadly) on this latter aspect although it is clear that numerical difficulties are not totally disconnected from the modeling of the physics. Special attention will also be paid to the new questions raised by multidimensional models that include the computation of fluid flows.

Hence, ideally, talks present the physics explored with the codes (and the successes!) while also mentioning the difficulties that arise so that discussions can bring new ideas. About this latter point, much time is kept for sessions devoted to free or organized discussions.

The preliminary programme: download

The list of participants: download

Hotel: All rooms have been booked at "Hotel OURS BLANC Centre" 25 place Victor Hugo

Reaching the hotel and conference location: from the airport the most convenient is to take the airport shuttle (Navette) and stop at the Jeanne d'Arc bus stop, which is 200m from the hotel (see map). One way ticket is 5 euros. Otherwise, taxi is also possible but more expensive (35-40 euros).

The conference room is the "Salle du Conseil" (Council Room) of the engineer school "ENSEEIHT", 2 rue Camichel, which is at walking distance from the hotel (1000m) (see map, google says it takes 12min by foot).

The presentations : click on the name to view the slides of the talk

  1. Amestoy P. and Buttari A., ``Sparse Linear Algebra: an introduction to direct solution methods"
  2. Buttari A. and Amestoy P, ``Improving multifrontal solvers by means of algebraic Block Low-Rank representations"
  3. Cantiello M. ``Rotation and Asteroseismology with MESA: Testing Angular Momentum Transport Mechanisms"
  4. Chiavassa A. ``A Journey across Hertzsprung-Russel diagram with 3D hydrodynamical simulations of cool stars"
  5. Deupree R. ``ROTORC A Fully Implicit 2.5D Radiation Hydrodynamics Code for Simulating Hydrostatic, Hydrodynamic, and Secular Evolution of Rotating Stars"
  6. Dupret M.-A. ``Precision and accuracy in stellar oscillations modeling"
  7. Ekstrom S. ``Implementation of rotation in a 1D code"
  8. Foglizzo T. ``Numerical modelling of core-collapse supernovae"
  9. Georgy C. ``Treatment of convection in the 1D modelling of massive stars"
  10. Gratton S. ``Some algorithms for nonlinear systems of equations"
  11. Groh J. ``Combined stellar evolution and atmospheric modeling of massive stars"
  12. Marques J. ``The stellar evolution code CESTAM, numerical and physical challenges"
  13. Montalban J. ``Convective boundaries: Ledoux or Schwarzschild criterion ?"
  14. Ouazzani R.-M. ``2D non-perturbative pulsations of a highly distorted evolved model of star"
  15. Palacios A. ``Modelling stellar evolution : the many face of model stars"
  16. Prat V. ``From 3D simulations of turbulent transport to 2D evolution: a big challenge"
  17. Reese D. ``Non-adiabatic pulsations in ESTER models"
  18. Richard O. ``Atomic diffusion at work in stars"
  19. Rieutord M. ``Two-dimensional models of early-type fast rotating stars"
  20. Siess L. ``On the numerical treatment of thermohaline mixing in red giants"
  21. Stancliffe R. ``Guiding 1d stellar modelling with 3D hydro simulations"
  22. Viallet M. ``Bridging the gap between 3D simulations and 1D stellar evolution models: mission impossible?"