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class  module_io.InoutError
 Error returned by module_io. More...
class  module_io.ErrorClass
 Error boolean associated with a message. More...


 Manage input and outputs of connect_sc and connect_all main scripts.


def module_io.choose_sc_ref
 Return the sc_ref need by ALL case. More...
def module_io.open_log
 Open log file logs/log_YYYYMMDD and write header log. More...
def module_io.exit_connect_tool
 Manage the database, write a message in log_id and get out. More...
def module_io.remove_scraft
 Remove a scraft from the connect tool list. More...
def module_io.check_scraft
 Check scraft: module_orbito.orbito_info.keys() without GEN. More...
def module_io.check_hmodel
 Check hmodel:['model']. More...
def module_io.check_cmodel
 Check cmodel:['model']. More...
def module_io.check_magtype
 Check magtype: WSO, ADAPT, NSO, DUMFRIC. More...
def module_io.check_reftime
 Check reftime: SUNTIME or SCTIME. More...
def module_io.output_globaldir
 Get global directory path. More...
def module_io.output_localdir
 Get local directory path. More...
def module_io.output_globalname
 Get global filepath. More...
def module_io.output_localname
 Get local filename. More...
def module_io.output_videodir
 Get video directory path. More...
def module_io.unformat_basename
 Retrieve keyName from an output_basename From SC_MODE_HMODEL_CMODEL_REFTIME_MAGTYPE_DATE, returns keyName. More...
def module_io.unformat_imagename
 Retrieve keyName from an output_imagename From SC_MODE_HMODEL_CMODEL_REFTIME_MAGTYPE_DATE_PLOTTYPE, returns keyName. More...
def module_io.read_simu_magmap
 Read magnetogram used for a given case. More...
def module_io.read_simu_fp
 Read footpoint file written for a given case. More...
def module_io.read_simu_connectivity
 Read connectivity file written for a given case. More...


tuple module_io.connect_tool_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
 module_io.all_mode = False
 Compute all Sc/Planet separately and on the same output. More...
string module_io.hmodel = ''
 Model to find the footprint on the source surface of the connected magnetic field line in the heliosphere. More...
string module_io.cmodel = ''
 Type of magnetic data. More...
string module_io.magtype = ''
string module_io.reftime = ''
 Time referential for computing and mapping. More...
int module_io.year = 0
int module_io.month = 0
int = 0
int module_io.hour = 0
dictionary module_io.all_mode_priority = {'EARTH': 0, 'STA': 1, 'PSP': 2, 'STB': 3, 'SOLO': 4}