Energy balance of the '2000 PHEBUS rally.
VEHICLE  kwh consoumed wh/km kms done trip performed
Mad dogs III  South Bank Univ. London 0 0 30 côte Mazères +  étape 4
Soleillada   N7 Toulouse 0.42 10 42 Dun - la Bastide + étape 4
Clio C-VELEC  ENSIEG  Grenoble 23.14 178 130 étapes 1-2-3-4
Mehari  Léonardon Hautes Pyrénées 1.8 100 18 Mirepoix-Lavelanet + Dun - 2 km Dun
mini El Fristot  Montéliomar 1.25 17.3 72 étapes 3-4
Buggy solar   Barcelona 0 0 34 Montbrun-Aureville + étape 4
moto solar   Barcelona 0.88 25.7 34 Montbrun-Aureville + étape 4
selectric 1   Paris 0.71 10 71 étape 1 + Montbrun-Aureville + étape 4
Selectric 2  Paris 0.71 10 71 étape 1 + Montbrun-Aureville + étape 4
Selectric 3  Paris 0.52 10 52 Mirepoix-Lavelanet +Montbrun-Aureville +étape 4

TOTAL   CONSUMED       29,42     kWh

from which 79 % are due to the Clio, but it must be noted that the Clio is the only vehicle whch has made all the trip.
It is also a "real" rally vehicle, designed for speed (170 km/h) not for economy.

The lectridity has been mostly consumed at night, whereas it is produced during the day. We have used the grid, not only as a way of transportation, but also as an inertie  storage.

Production of the PV grid inertied systms along the route of the rally, for June 10-11-12,  2000
Name Location Production during rally (kWh) peak power (W) annual Production (kWh)
Bosson 09 Castelneau  5 900 1000
Olislagers 09 Dun 14 3000 3500
Koechlin  31 Aureville 7.9 1800 2100
Jeune 31 le Castera  8 1100 1300
TOTAL 35 6800 7900

TOTAL   PRODUCED       35     kWh

The energy balance is positive by 5,5 kWh!

The weather has been particularly cloudy that week-end, it rained more than it ever had for the past 23 years. We have proven if necessary that solar vehicles can run in the rain!  Provided that the road is usable. Our luck is that we had chosen a route on the crests (for the sun and the view) and it saved us from the water. 

Another side effect of the flud is that it took all the headlines and inside pages of the newspapers, and we had a somewhat reduced media coverage. Such a weather for two days is quite rare in the south of France.

The four PV systems taken into account yield an average production for three days of around 65 kWh (based on a yealy average). It must be said that the production from these PV systems is normally used by the families who live in the equipped homes. However, his rally demonstrates that a 16000 km yearly "milage" with an electric vehicle consuming 100 wh/km would require only the production of an additional  1.3 kW  PV system.